This heinous scarecrow fantasized about being raped all her life, but nobody would rape her, so she got bitter and started accusing men of raping her in the ways she sickly imagined all women longed to be raped. Many failed lawsuits later she comes after Trump to accuse him of something she saw on television.
I don't need this article to foresee that things will end in tears for deep state asset, Jean Carroll, but she deserves no pity. They wanted to get Trump, and this spindly old lunatic was the only one they could fool into thinking she could get away with lying about Trump in a rigged courtroom. The show trial did absolutely nothing to hurt Trump's reputation among his massive number of supporters, which was the goal, and it wasn't the last courtroom where the merits of Carroll's case will be considered. This isn't over by a long shot.
As Portia said to Shylock in "The Merchant of Venice":
"For, as thou urgest justice, be assured
Thou shalt have justice, more than thou desirest."
I got carried away being mean and repeated something I heard without taking the time to substantiate it. Thank you for calling attention to my stupid mistake. I mean that. It's as wrong to spread hearsay information about an evil person as it is to lie about a good one, and I don't want to be that guy.
I will say no more about Carroll that I cannot verify, which will probably mean saying nothing at all because the thought of delving into that lunacy makes me weary. There is badness enough to be found online from Carroll's own words and history without the mention of a lawsuit, although I daresay there's a good chance some vigorous scrubbing has occurred since the day she announced she was coming after Trump.
We all know she's a liar, but, you can't really scrub legal documents that are permanent. I couldn't find any lawsuits at all other than Trumps with her.
As for accussations, I really wanted to find a bunch to pill my idiot friend group who worship this witch. The only one I could find was her accusing the CBS CEO who got fired for sexually assaulting a bunch of interns, so it's hard to go with that one. I found no mention of babysitters or dog walkers or whatever.
I'm going to keep looking because it's a great pill.
This heinous scarecrow fantasized about being raped all her life, but nobody would rape her, so she got bitter and started accusing men of raping her in the ways she sickly imagined all women longed to be raped. Many failed lawsuits later she comes after Trump to accuse him of something she saw on television.
I don't need this article to foresee that things will end in tears for deep state asset, Jean Carroll, but she deserves no pity. They wanted to get Trump, and this spindly old lunatic was the only one they could fool into thinking she could get away with lying about Trump in a rigged courtroom. The show trial did absolutely nothing to hurt Trump's reputation among his massive number of supporters, which was the goal, and it wasn't the last courtroom where the merits of Carroll's case will be considered. This isn't over by a long shot.
As Portia said to Shylock in "The Merchant of Venice":
"For, as thou urgest justice, be assured Thou shalt have justice, more than thou desirest."
Woah, Carroll has accused others of rape with lawsuits? Can you link me, I've been trying to find them and have had no luck.
Les Moonves for one.
I don't see any lawsuits though
I got carried away being mean and repeated something I heard without taking the time to substantiate it. Thank you for calling attention to my stupid mistake. I mean that. It's as wrong to spread hearsay information about an evil person as it is to lie about a good one, and I don't want to be that guy.
I will say no more about Carroll that I cannot verify, which will probably mean saying nothing at all because the thought of delving into that lunacy makes me weary. There is badness enough to be found online from Carroll's own words and history without the mention of a lawsuit, although I daresay there's a good chance some vigorous scrubbing has occurred since the day she announced she was coming after Trump.
We all know she's a liar, but, you can't really scrub legal documents that are permanent. I couldn't find any lawsuits at all other than Trumps with her.
As for accussations, I really wanted to find a bunch to pill my idiot friend group who worship this witch. The only one I could find was her accusing the CBS CEO who got fired for sexually assaulting a bunch of interns, so it's hard to go with that one. I found no mention of babysitters or dog walkers or whatever.
I'm going to keep looking because it's a great pill.