The Greatest Reset: Beast Rising BIBLICAL (I searched GAW and did not find this so I'm posting)
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Scholarship is controlled. Our modern day version (worldwide) was created and controlled by Rockefeller. Everything since the late 19th century has had to pass that filter. It is controlled by methods of funding. But much more important, it is controlled by methods of publishing. When you start investigating how things get published, you come to realize that all publishers have been controlled for forever. No one has a voice unless the PTB wish it. Thus all commentary that makes it "mainstream" in every stream (secular, Christian, Islam, Jewish, science, history, etc., etc.) must make it past the gatekeepers. Investigation further proves that there is only one gatekeeper, and there always has been.
You laud the similarities of the various ancient texts, but ignore the differences. If you watch the video I linked above, it talks about how the Johannine Comma was inserted through force, and was not in the original Greek texts. Other than those few verses (John 5:7-8), the entire concept of the Trinity has extremely weak support within the book we have. It does have support in Mithraism (the religion of Constantine and many other notable people of the period and region), but is completely absent in the teachings of Jesus. Without that verse, which substantial evidence suggests was inserted after the fact, it wouldn’t have a leg to stand on. Indeed, it wasn’t even a part of the doctrine until 383 AD. So yes, it was very much a “gradual” thing. I agree completely. Just because I name explicitly the 325AD event as momentous doesn’t mean I think there was nothing else that went on. What’s important is looking at the connections between events. When you look at the connections, and what was purposefully left out and/or silenced, the “organicness” of it comes into question.
Many of the books found in the NH had zero surviving copies (not counting previously displaced fragments) until they were dug up and dated to the fourth century, exactly the time when it became illegal, under penalty of death, to have such beliefs. Why is that? What happened to all the copies of say, the gospel of Mary, or Thomas, etc.. Were they all burned by the winning group who made all the rules? It's unlikely they were destroyed by the adherents. This lack of any other copies is very important evidence that is not included in the “scholarship” that is espoused by Christian apologists.
All of your arguments assume no fuckery in scholarship. On the contrary, there is nothing but evidence of control of scholarship. If the PTB want something to make it big, it gets promoted. If they don't, it gets silenced. Some things are just "obscure." Some things are lost for millennia (the DSS/NH). Some things are gone forever. We piece together history by looking at what evidence is available. We revise history based on what we want to be there. We ignore pieces of evidence as "irrelevant" if it doesn't make it to "consensus." We don't think to ask, "can consensus be created?" "Who said it wasn't relevant?"
If the scholarship agrees with our beliefs, we say, "look, everyone agrees." If it doesn't we generally ignore it. If we happen to dig deeper we find substantial evidence that the scholarship seems to have not addressed certain peices of evidence. Rather they too have relied on previous scholarship to have "figured it out." We trust in previous scholarship, assuming that it can't possibly have been controlled, even though all scholarship is controlled today.
When looking at history, there are a ton of very interesting bits that come up once you leave the mainstream. Have you investigated the Empire of Tartary for example? It is quite fascinating. As it turns out, it seems there was a concerted effort to remove Tartary from history.
As a place to begin that investigation, see Walter Kolartz, Russian and Her Colonies.,1952 (starts on page 31) where he writes about how the USSR finally eliminated all Tartarian culture and history through their alphabet revolutions.
For a specific statement on page 32 he says:
It elaborates how the history of the Tartars was subsequently destroyed by burning all the Tartarian books, through the forced changing of the alphabet, and through forced “reeducation,” making any books that may have survived the purge unreadable by new generations.
From that point on, the Tartarians were wiped out of history, and thus their connection to the Scythians. There's more to it than that, because there is a lot of effort to ensure they remain disconnected and a "conspiracy theory," but it's a good start of the story.
The connection between the Scythians and the Tartarians is ubiquitous in history all the way up until the early 20th century. Looking at absolutely any historian prior to about 1850 or so, if you look up “Tartary” it says, “The Tartarians are the Scythians.”
For example, the 1773 Encyclopedia Britannica:
Petes, History of Ghengizcan the Great, 1722, page 15 (and many other places in the book):
Sir Walter Raleigh, History of the World, ~1560 (page 247):
Denis Petau, The History of the World, or, An Account of Time, 1659 (page 760):
There are numerous other references, both within the books here presented, and other books, that show that all the way up until the 20th century, everyone considered “Tartary” to be an Empire, a continuation of the Scythian Empire. Importantly the Scythians/Tartarians were multi-ethnic, as were all Empires of large enough size (such as Rome, which was a fraction of the size of the Empire of Scythia/Tartary). It is the multi-ethnic quality, which has been noted by pretty much every historian for three millennia that allows them to remain hidden today.
The Royal Scythians were the Ruling Aristocracy of the Scythians. Their form of government was very much a “Game of Thrones” type of thing, with various tribes (all the leaders of the tribes/Khanates were related, part of the same family, just like today) paying tribute to whoever was the biggest and strongest at the time. Every once in a while, a single “Khan of Khans” would arise, uniting all the various Khanates, and would go border expanding, getting large areas under their control. A couple examples of this border expansion (getting more Tributes) that you have probably heard of were Genghis Khan, and Attila the Hun, though there were several more. Of note, I think the “Bronze Age Collapse” (around 1200BC) was exactly such a Scythian border expansion event as well. There is a fair bit of evidence that supports that, but no one can make that connection, because the Scythians have been completely disconnected, and the Tartarians completely erased.
These Royal Scythians had blonde or red hair, and blue or green eyes. Not all Scythians/Tartarians had those phenotypes, but the Ruling Class did. You can track the Scythians through history, the same people doing the same thing in the same way in the same area of the world, by following these phenotypes in the Aristocratic leadership class (mummies in royal burial mounds, genetic samples, ancient writing, etc.), For example, history separates out the “Gokturks” as such a “not Scythians” group even though they were exactly that; the exact same people doing the exact same thing in the same way in the same area as the Scythians they "replaced" (according to official history) with an aristocratic leadership class with blond/red hair, and blue/green eyes. The term “Aryan” means “Iranian.” Iran was originally under the control of the Scythians (later called Parthia, which was just a Scythian Khanate, and eventually called Iran). The term Aryan comes from the Royal Scythians, the Nordic phenotype group that ruled the Iranian region way back in the day.
In other words, the Royal Scythians were the Aryan Race. I think that is why they have been removed from history. Not because they wanted to hide them out of loathing or contempt, but because the current leadership class of the world doesn’t want people to know their own heritage. That is speculative, but it fits all the evidence.
I have written up hundreds of pages on this and will publish it at some point. I use this instead of doing the same by questioning “biblical scholarship” because I think it is an easier sell. You don’t have any particular beliefs (presumably) tied to the Tartarians/Scythians. Odds are you’ve never even heard of them, or if you have, thought it was just a “crazy conspiracy theory” or “irrelevant ancient history.” As it turns out it is a conspiracy theory. There is evidence of all sorts of injections in the the “history of Tartary” by nefarious groups (likely the CIA), adding in things like “free energy” and “giants”, etc. specifically to keep people from looking at the actual historical evidence.
This is how the world works. This is how scholarship is controlled. We base our “truth” on scholarship. We love things that agree with our beliefs, and we ignore, or “force into compliance” those things that don’t. We don’t really dig in, allowing for any possibility to be true.
I personally don’t have any horse in this race. I don’t care what the truth is. I only care that I allow myself to look at all of the evidence in earnest. In the case of Christianity, I’ve been studying it for decades. First as a theologians son and adherent, then as a questioner (reforming my belief systems), then as a curious scholar (what does everyone else have to say), then, finally and only recently, as a person who has had a Black Swan event that was forced to look at the evidence without assumption of any truth, nor belief that what I’ve found that has been hidden is the truth, nor any need for any particular thing to fit “my truth,” because I don’t have one.
I suggest unless you can let go of a need for evidence to fit your beliefs, you can never be a true investigator. That’ doesn’t mean you need to forgo all biases. I suggest that is impossible. But if you can’t entertain that you may not already know the truth, you can’t possible see, or genuinely consider evidence to the contrary.
A lot to unpack here but I’ll address each assertion you make:
Johannine Comma: This refers to a disputed passage in 1 John 5:7-8 regarding the Trinity. While some manuscripts include this passage, many critical editions, including modern translations, omit it due to limited manuscript support. However, the absence of this specific passage doesn't negate the broader concept of the Trinity, which is supported by various other verses in the New Testament (e.g., Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14).
Support for the Trinity: While the term "Trinity" isn't explicitly used in the Bible, the concept is reflected in verses portraying Father, Son (Jesus), and Holy Spirit as distinct yet unified (e.g., John 14:16-17, 26; Matthew 28:19). Early Christian writers, such as Ignatius of Antioch and Justin Martyr, also alluded to this triune understanding.
Mithraism Influence: The assertion that the Trinity concept derives from Mithraism is debated among scholars (I know this statement will trigger you). While Mithraism and Christianity existed concurrently, drawing direct lines of influence is challenging. The development of Christian doctrine involves complex theological discussions and debates within the early Christian community.
Council of Constantinople (381 AD): The explicit declaration of the Nicene Creed, including the affirmation of the Trinity, took place during the Council of Constantinople in 381 AD. This event solidified and clarified theological language but doesn't imply a sudden introduction of the concept. The discussions on Christ's divinity and the nature of God had been ongoing since earlier councils.
While specific verses or terms may not be universally present, the theological groundwork for the Trinity is discernible in various parts of the New Testament and evolved through early Christian theological deliberations. The intricacies of these developments require nuanced exploration within their historical and theological contexts.
Your bringing up of Tartaria (of which I am familiar) is simply a red herring. However, I’d like to address some of your other points you make about the Trinity, but thought I should first address a presupposition you appear to bring to every conversation regarding the topics we are discussing:
There is a curious irony the lies veiled behind your main claims. The irony lies in the paradox of claiming all sources are controlled while simultaneously asserting a privileged perspective that transcends this control.
Criticizing scholars as controlled by certain entities implies a supposed immunity to such influence, creating a self-defeating loop where one claims authority while denouncing authority.
It's crucial to engage in constructive dialogue, recognizing the complexities of information dissemination, rather than dismissing entire fields based on assumptions of control.
I’ll respond to your other assertions later…
A red herring is something intended to distract from the relevant question. The relevant question I was addressing was your faith in scholarship. It was not a "red herring," it was a specific example of how history (in this case the largest, longest lasting Empire of all recorded history) can be hidden from the entirety of academia. Thus showing that "scholarship" is not to be trusted. There is nothing more relevant for someone who is explicitly stating their trust in scholarship as support for their argument.
In general, I have found that until a person can see how broad the fuckery is, they are incapable of seeing the evidence without putting it into the context of justifying their faith in the broader scholarship or their current beliefs. Trust entices this action.
I was previously (not very long ago) a part of academia. I then fell into an investigation which showed explicitly such control on every single level. I subsequently quit that world as it exposed that the barriers I had personally experienced and previously believed were organic, were, according to the evidence, all contrived by a singular controlling entity.
I am not claiming that I know what the truth is about anything, only that whatever the truth is, it is hidden by intentional removal, miscategorization, or expansion or contraction of important evidence. Scholarship is controlled by giving voice to that which the PTB want to be expounded, and silencing voices that say something that doesn't fit their narrative. I am stating that there is substantial evidence that supports the assertion of such control. Indeed, the next section of my report (hopefully done soon) elaborates this investigation. It is true, by my estimation, beyond a reasonable doubt. As in, every doubt I had I investigated thoroughly, applying the processes of reason, and there are no doubts left. YMMV.
Once I produce my argument I welcome any criticisms or contraindicating evidence. However, for most of those here on these boards, they have already done this investigation and are well aware of the control systems. I had assumed it was something you already were aware of because it was a very important exposure done by Q (though far less than as exposed by my investigation).
In principle I agree. However, you show all the signs of "trust". Trust is the enemy of investigation. I was addressing that specifically. Only from a place of "not trust" can an investigation, or any discussion about it, move forward in earnest.
First, this is a caricature of my position. Borderline strawman. I have offered reasoned dialogue with you discussing the philosophical underpinnings on how to think about “scholarship,” or “experts.” Not simply “jUSt tRusT Da eXpeRtS.”
Second, you give us even more irony here because you’re actually accusing me of merely “trusting” the “experts” all the while expecting me to “trust” you and the “researchers” (the “new” experts) that you cite!
Tell me you see the self defeating nature of your position? You’re doing the very thing you’re accusing me of.
I'll get back to the first assertion in a bit (I'm in the middle of something), but as to the second:
Where in what I said did it state or imply that you should trust anything or anyone?
I explicitly stated that I don't know the truth about anything. I linked to my report which, while it's a bit of a read, shows substantial corroborating evidence for some of the claims, even if not directly. If you think I have done what you suggest, show me where.
Let's delve deeper into the concept of the Trinity in the New Testament and explore additional verses:
Matthew 28:19 (The Great Commission):
John 14:16-17:
2 Corinthians 13:14:
John 1:1-14 (Prologue of John's Gospel):
Colossians 2:9:
John 10:30:
These verses collectively contribute to the New Testament's presentation of a triune Godhead, where the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit exist in a relational unity. While the term "Trinity" is not explicitly used, the theological implications of these passages formed the foundation for later doctrinal developments and the articulation of the Trinity in Christian creeds.
Here are additional verses that highlight the personal nature of the Holy Spirit:
Grieving the Holy Spirit:
Teaching and Reminding Role of the Holy Spirit:
Intercession by the Holy Spirit:
Sending by the Father in the Name of Jesus:
These verses provide additional insights into the personal attributes and roles of the Holy Spirit, portraying the Spirit not merely as an impersonal force but as a distinct person within the Triune Godhead.
The New Testament, through a collection of verses and teachings, lays a foundational framework for the modern understanding of the Trinity. While the specific term "Trinity" may not be explicitly mentioned, the concept emerges from the combined testimony of the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit as distinct persons within the Godhead.
Numerous passages portray Jesus as both divine and in a unique relationship with the Father. Moreover, the Holy Spirit is presented as a personal presence, involved in teaching, guiding, and interceding for believers.
The relational dynamics among the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, along with the shared divine attributes ascribed to each, form the biblical basis for the doctrine of the Trinity, affirming the interconnectedness of these three distinct persons in one Godhead.
Furthermore, concept of the Trinity, as reflected in the New Testament, didn't suddenly emerge at a specific council but evolved within the early Christian community.
The councils, such as the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, played a role in codifying this existing doctrine rather than inventing it.
From the beginning, the biblical texts presented the Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit as distinct persons sharing a divine essence. The councils aimed to articulate and safeguard this foundational Christian belief against theological controversies, confirming and clarifying what had been part of Christian understanding since the earliest days.