Q on Emotional Pushes
See how FAKE NEWS works?
See how CLICKBAIT works?
If you search the Q drops for the word "emotional' you will find several instances where Q elaborates on how emotional responses are used to manipulate people in a number of different ways.
This points to fact that it is important for truth warriors, anons, Q patriots and researchers, to a) be aware of how their own emotions may be being used or targeted and also b) to observe clearly when others are using emotional pushes to manipulate people and to critically evaluate the purpose and intention behind certain narratives.
Dom Lucre's Tunnel Investigation
Dom Lucre has built a big following on X (1 million followers) and has now dubbed himself "The breaker of narratives".
On January 31, he released a "Tunnel Investigation" short film (https://twitter.com/dom_lucre/status/1752515648905765363).
🔥🚨BREAKING NEWS: Every year, over 1,000 children go missing in the State of New York, and many are never found. New York is ranked 5th in the nation in child abductions. The State also has one of the most extensive tunnel systems in the country, with almost 1,000 tunnels reaching across the entire state. Many are secret.
On January 8th, 2024, clashes broke out at the World Headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch Synagogue in Brooklyn New York- known as the “770”.
Footage leaking from the clash revealed that there were secret tunnels dug beneath the synagogue, and millions witnessed the extremely alarming images coming from the videos: a book covered in blood, a child’s highchair, and a soiled mattress.
With reports of widespread cases of child sex abuse occurring within the Chabad; theories began to spread about the true purpose of these tunnels.
Last week, in partnership with Truth Army Films, I went to New York to investigate not only the Chabad Tunnels, but also the underground network of tunnels that run underneath the entire state of New York.
Now, we are releasing our findings to the world.
Watch ‘The Tunnels’ FULL documentary HERE:
Time Stamps:
2:40 - The Unsealed Chabad Tunnel
5:19 - Symbolism in tipped off tunnel
12:53 - Dom Lucre and Truth Army Enters The 770 Chabad Synagogue
6:17 - Child Sex Abuse Victim of The Chabad Synagogue
18:26 - Dom Lucre and Truth Army Films Get Kicked out The 770 Chabad
22:19 - Dom Lucre speaks to the New York locals About Child Trafficking
26:42 - Final Tunnel/Closing
But in this film, there is a rather problematic section starting at 6:17.
Jordan Sather comments:
But for 6 minutes of this film, Dom Lucre "interviews" an Australian man named Manny Waks who gives testimony of child abuse he received when part of an ultra-orthodox synagogue.
Dom and his production team took Waks video and fabricated a set to make it look like Waks was talking to Dom. Manny Waks is disgusted how his testimony was used in this film. He had never heard of Dom Lucre before. How disgusting to make this man's vulnerable testimony and slap it into this shoddy production.
Dom has a history of stealing content and acting like it's his own.
This whole film appears to be a massive money and clickbait grift. Who cares about the truth when you want to be popular, right Dom Lucrative? Engagement is all that matters!
Waks himself responded to the Dom Lucre film this way:
A shoddy and outrageous piece of “journalism”…for the record, I’m completely distancing myself from Dom’s nonsense. I didn’t give him an interview and I’m appalled that he’s using this unrelated interview for his conspiracy theory.
As someone else tweeted:
@dom_lucre you got som'splainin' to do
@trutharmyfilms you said it was a real interview.... You want to explain yourself now?
Lessons and takeaways
We are living in the midst of a psy-war. In the psy-war, everything revolves around information - true information, fake information, distorted information, information used for purposes as varying as exploitation, manipulation, control and liberation.
One wonders why Lucre and his film team were so willing to insert a section of information that presents a very false impression. Notice how the time in the section is spent focusing on Lucre himself. Apart from creating the impression that he is interviewing Waks, it also makes Lucre himself a feature and aspect of the film.
Why? We expect this sort of behavior from MSM hacks like 60 minutes, but if Dom is truly about exposing truth, then why this?
It's hard to not wonder if Lucre is more interested in his own agenda than the actual truth agenda. He could have easily set the content up in a manner that does NOT create the illusion that he is interviewing the man. Why didn't he?
Perhaps because the interview content has nothing whatsoever to do with New York, or even the USA.
Again, Sather posts:
Manny Waks isn't even from New York, his testimony is related to events that happened in Melbourne, Australia.
How is it relevant to throw his video into this documentary about tunnels in New York?
Plus, nearly every large metropolis has tunnel systems underneath it. And the whole recent Chabad tunnel fiasco in New York didn't have child trafficking going on.
Human trafficking = necessary to expose, but not in shoddy, clickbait ways like this.
Dom is acting like he's doing so much to "expose human trafficking" - when in reality... he's not doing that much. Just fabricating empty conspiracies for popularity. Nasty grift from a lazy "reporter"
For me, this situation highlights what to me is an important realization:
The landscape of the narrative war, the psywar, is not simply black and white, or up and down, as if there are only TWO monolithic factions vying for supremacy.
In addition to deep state / Cabal operations that are attempting to perpetuate and defend the Cabal control on the narratives, there are also myriad other actors whose agenda may neither be to support the DS or fight against them. Think opportunistic black marketeers who exploit the chaos and vulnerabilities generated by war.
Moreover, even among the exploiters, some of these will merely be self-interested opportunists, but others may also be Cabal disinfo operations disguised as self-interested grifters, etc. It's important to realize this and keep one's sense of skepticism alive.
Whether you conclude that Lucre is a grifting 'lazy reporter', or someone caught up in his own hype, or a truth warrior who screwed up here, the real point is to pay attention to who you listen to and ALWAYS apply your own critical thinking to the information that comes across your screen, and question your OWN conclusions.
Such a practice is key to the goals of the Q operation.
The DECLASSIFICATION of all requested documents (+ more) will occur. This is not a game.
Do not let personal (emotional) desires ("do it now""now""what is taking so long""NOW!") take over.
Logical thinking and strategy should always be applied.
Most welcome, fren.
It's the best. Because it creates stereoscopic vision, where two contrasting perspectives interacting can yield than on perspective alone.
You may be right there. It might well be a blind spot. On the other hand, he calls things out as he sees them, and cops lots of flak for it, so sometimes it takes a harsh personality to dive through the jungle.
If he's a diamond, then he's much more a diamond in the rough. Anyway, for whatever reason, I don't have an issue with this aspect of his character.
I listened to the boys from Edge of Wonder quite a bit up until the time they were purged from youtube. Their willingness to approach topics without attaching too much to their own opinions on those topics was pretty good.
What I liked most, however, was their angles on China and the CCP. For me, that helped to open my eyes to certain aspects of China that I still find useful today. (For example, the conflicts between the Xi faction based in beijing and the Zhang (?) faction based in Shanghai, etc.)
I look forward to the possibility of reviewing more of the 'influencers' with you and getting your angle on those....
Interesting that you bring up the Edge of Wonder guys and their helpful information on China. I have been pondering a lot lately my possibly skewed perspective on China. In the most stressful quarter of my life at the University of Minnesota (which was on a quarter system, not a semester system when I was there in the 1980s when Minneapolis was still a beautiful city full of kindly people), I took three literature classes at the same time trying to knock out the degree requirements for a broader world perspective instead of being American-centric (i.e., what would now be classified as DEI classes). I was a lit major, so I felt pretty clever that I had found a way to fill that requirement and still study something I was actually interested in. The three lit classes I took: Russian Literature, Japanese Literature, Chinese Literature. These were in addition to one other class I had, plus I worked to pay my way through college.
It turned out to be brutal because I had 23 novels to read and 14 papers to write in essentially 10 weeks. This is before the days of laptops. No small feat.
But I think all the time about that quarter because of what I learned. I learned that Japanese literature was of zero interest to me. Like Japanese rock gardens: beautiful, but too controlled. I loved the Russian literature, but it was so dark so much of the time. Full of beauty, but the beauty you see as darkness descends. The beauty as the sunset fades. (Though Evgeny Zamiatin's We is second only to 1984 for dystopian novels in my mind. It is an amazing work exposing communism in all its faults. It should be taught everywhere.)
To my utter amazement, it was the Chinese literature that I most resonated with. I was shocked. Going in, my expectations for the Chinese lit were the lowest. I had read Pearl Buck's The Good Earth so I didn't have a kindly perspective on Chinese culture. How wrong I was. Now, this was literature throughout Chinese history up to the 1980s. I have no idea if China would allow this stuff to be taught in China then or now. But it was literature of real people to me. People in rough circumstances still finding humor in them. I think it reminded me of some of Faulkner's work: post-civil war south, beaten down, but still pushing through and finding humor and redemption as they were trying to stand back up.
Because of reading what I read in that class, I still have this deep affection for the culture that could produce literature like that. The CCP may have destroyed all those people now. But I hope that their DNA has survived in the Chinese people who were some of the earliest surgeons and astronomers and great writers, and that China and the world will be gifted by them finding their way back up through these deeply oppressed people. What great things might they create if they were free?
And may the same be true for America which has lost connection with its roots. When they stopped teaching great literature (including the founding documents), we lost our tether. But I feel like we're going to come back from that. We're going to throw these woke dumbass professors out of Universities and people who truly love their country and what they teach will replace them. Things will look very different then. In the meantime, we have to teach our children ourselves.