Maybe they counted on Trump bragging about being responsible for BigPharma's rapid development of the shots being an incentive to have "deplorables" be all gung ho for the shots.
First: Trump had every right to BELIEVE the permanent health beaurocrats...
But Second: based on his existing lack of trust of vaccines (see Baron) he ALSO pushed TREATMENT:
HCQ and Ivermectin,
monoclonal antibodies (which Trump himself claimed to USE himself when HE got Covid)
The "Blame Trump for bringing out the Vaxxx" argument are the Left & DeSantis/RINO d-bags' efforts to demagogue a complicated (both the science and the political realities at the time) issue. The way they and YOU are using it here is a lie.
KEY: EVEN IF Trump suspected that the vaxxx wasn't very good, he knew that a delay would allow for MORE shut-downs --for years even-- and that Dems would likely make it MANDATORY. Then ALL of us would've been fucked.
Re-read what I posted. I said Trump bragged about development of the covid shot. I said MAYBE that would be an incentive to make "deplorables" be all gung ho for the shots, which they weren't.
Everyone had a choice. Many caved for different reasons. Whether it was for a job, school, travel, illnesses, or just plain ol FEAR. I guess each person has a reason for the things they do. I don’t judge them, but when they want to lay blame for their bad decision, I have a problem with that. But don’t blame anyone else, especially Trump because you fell for their lies and deceit.
This was an attack by the deep state on Hillary’s deplorables.
jokes on her, most "deplorables" didn't take the jab. mostly it was her stupid followers that took it.
Maybe they counted on Trump bragging about being responsible for BigPharma's rapid development of the shots being an incentive to have "deplorables" be all gung ho for the shots.
He wasn't all gung ho for the new vax.
First: Trump had every right to BELIEVE the permanent health beaurocrats...
But Second: based on his existing lack of trust of vaccines (see Baron) he ALSO pushed TREATMENT:
HCQ and Ivermectin,
monoclonal antibodies (which Trump himself claimed to USE himself when HE got Covid)
The "Blame Trump for bringing out the Vaxxx" argument are the Left & DeSantis/RINO d-bags' efforts to demagogue a complicated (both the science and the political realities at the time) issue. The way they and YOU are using it here is a lie.
KEY: EVEN IF Trump suspected that the vaxxx wasn't very good, he knew that a delay would allow for MORE shut-downs --for years even-- and that Dems would likely make it MANDATORY. Then ALL of us would've been fucked.
Re-read what I posted. I said Trump bragged about development of the covid shot. I said MAYBE that would be an incentive to make "deplorables" be all gung ho for the shots, which they weren't.
Didn't he claim he got vaxxed at one point?
Everyone had a choice. Many caved for different reasons. Whether it was for a job, school, travel, illnesses, or just plain ol FEAR. I guess each person has a reason for the things they do. I don’t judge them, but when they want to lay blame for their bad decision, I have a problem with that. But don’t blame anyone else, especially Trump because you fell for their lies and deceit.