And it is easy to in retrospect, how the move from handy to smartphone plus social media as an addition (addiction) is basically moving us all into a digital communication scheme.
It can be used for nefarious purposes. In Germany, there is now talk of putting " Burgergeld" recipients onto a special bank card, like the immigrants have ....
What is the advantage to the average hand-out recipient, like jobless money? None. But to the system there is. Hence, the acclimatization to online banking and non-cash payment systems.
I am personally very happy with seeing more and more people paying their groceries with cash! That was far and between in 2019/2020.
The car wash I used to go to went all cashless. They lost me as a customer. I still mail out checks to pay bills. I buy groceries with cash. I may use my card at the restaurant to pay my bill but the staff gets tips in cash only. When I do homeowner sidework I always let them know I will give a 10% discount if they will go to the bank and withdraw cash. That can add up to a grand for them easy for a simple trip to the bank (and also may be part of the reason that the government wants to limit cash withdrawals). Then for that job I will pay my people with cash.
As I told the covid door nazis when they tried to force me into wearing a mask, "I will not participate in your lies and delusions".
The one place I use the card is for company expenses. It makes for easier accounting. I do well over a couple or three mil gross a year (depending onthe economy) and the wife does most of the day to day accounting at home. (I do use an accountant for payroll, quarterly stuff like workers comp, unemployment and taxes).
And it is easy to in retrospect, how the move from handy to smartphone plus social media as an addition (addiction) is basically moving us all into a digital communication scheme.
It can be used for nefarious purposes. In Germany, there is now talk of putting " Burgergeld" recipients onto a special bank card, like the immigrants have ....
What is the advantage to the average hand-out recipient, like jobless money? None. But to the system there is. Hence, the acclimatization to online banking and non-cash payment systems.
I am personally very happy with seeing more and more people paying their groceries with cash! That was far and between in 2019/2020.
The car wash I used to go to went all cashless. They lost me as a customer. I still mail out checks to pay bills. I buy groceries with cash. I may use my card at the restaurant to pay my bill but the staff gets tips in cash only. When I do homeowner sidework I always let them know I will give a 10% discount if they will go to the bank and withdraw cash. That can add up to a grand for them easy for a simple trip to the bank (and also may be part of the reason that the government wants to limit cash withdrawals). Then for that job I will pay my people with cash.
As I told the covid door nazis when they tried to force me into wearing a mask, "I will not participate in your lies and delusions".
The one place I use the card is for company expenses. It makes for easier accounting. I do well over a couple or three mil gross a year (depending onthe economy) and the wife does most of the day to day accounting at home. (I do use an accountant for payroll, quarterly stuff like workers comp, unemployment and taxes).