When culture goes against the Christian God nature will take over. When culture builds temples of self and manmade arrogance of pride to honor lust. Guess what? nature takes over.
It is natural for evil people/culture to be plagued. It is written over and over again.
We might be seeing what happens when the salt loses its saltiness. A Christian is the Light of the world. When culture censors the light and the light concedes and starts flying the flag of the evildoers. Again we will see plagues as a natural reaction.
Drive down any city and look at the churches. They are flying lgbtq flags. The way to destroy USA is from within. All the people who attend all these churches in the USA are condoning this evil and censoring the very few who say it is wrong. They claim God loves all without consequences.
This same evil requires soldiers of the world to help destroy good. Many here say the precipice right? We are still going to get darker. It is up to the culture if they are going to allow itself to be destroyed by the natural wrath of God.
We are not going to be flooded as in the time of Noah at least. Yet it is going to be very saddening and heartbreaking for a time.
When culture goes against the Christian God nature will take over. When culture builds temples of self and manmade arrogance of pride to honor lust. Guess what? nature takes over.
It is natural for evil people/culture to be plagued. It is written over and over again.
We might be seeing what happens when the salt loses its saltiness. A Christian is the Light of the world. When culture censors the light and the light concedes and starts flying the flag of the evildoers. Again we will see plagues as a natural reaction.
Drive down any city and look at the churches. They are flying lgbtq flags. The way to destroy USA is from within. All the people who attend all these churches in the USA are condoning this evil and censoring the very few who say it is wrong. They claim God loves all without consequences.
This same evil requires soldiers of the world to help destroy good. Many here say the precipice right? We are still going to get darker. It is up to the culture if they are going to allow itself to be destroyed by the natural wrath of God.
We are not going to be flooded as in the time of Noah at least. Yet it is going to be very saddening and heartbreaking for a time.
Don't need a flood when you've got scientists in charge of issuing global plandemics.