30 Chuck Schumer exploded and said you have two choices for the border bill. One, support Ukraine and Israel and the border. Two, support Ukraine and Israel ONLY. Your choice. (twitter.com) posted 1 year ago by brain_dead 1 year ago by brain_dead +30 / -0 20 comments share 20 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Chuck U Schumer
These stupid motherfuckers think it's still business as usual. They are in for a rude awakening.
Translation from Cabalese: "Give us the money and we might throw a little bit back to you, or just give is the money and dont ask any questions."
You are a good translator.
3rd choice Schumk, vote them both down!
I think that's what is happening now.
That is the third option.
Border of US. not border of Ukraine or Israel. If he wants to support those borders, he can go there.
Yes. LOL
U have a problem Chuck, the American people KNOW who broke the border. It’s the Broken Biden Border!
No money for him to send to Ukraine.
Bet the border bill just buys nicer busses for the illegals.
Maybe some fancy camps for them to stay in,
10% for Biden, Schumer and Turtle.
evil man you just heard. fully given over to evil.
Very evil
He sounds fully vaccinated.
Probably with boosters too.