Of course they’re going to replace Biden at the last second after the DNC primary. Someone better tell Politicoal the DNC changed their own rules last year so this could be possible. What, have they actually paid attention to politics?
The narrative that Big Mike, for example, would be switched in, has been going around for years. The impact? It makes it almost impossible for them to switch Obama in.
Likewise, all the talk about Biden being switched out, makes it that much harder for them to do it. Because switching him out would be an admission directly to their base that they screwed up chosing him in the first place.
And, we want Biden in there. He's the ideal candidate to run vs Trump, because no one in the world will believe that he won the election, even if they try to steal it again.
Biden NOT being gotten rid of can be seen as a pretty big devo-proof, showing that in fact, the DS have far less control than they want.
Even DJT's Texas wall comment' Be careful what you wish for, ala using the 25th amendment, can be seen as placing narrative deployments making it that much harder to the DS to actually get rid of Biden.
Removing Biden would be a massive loss for the DS narratively and optically. They essentially have ZERO choice but to pretend that Biden is fine, he's OK.
I agree but they are building the narrative that Biden is no longer healthy enough to run. That makes it very easy for him to simply withdraw due to health. I think thats the route they go right before the convention. That way they can throw him a bone, allow him to finish the last couple months of his term, avoiding the Kamala problem and protecting his 'legacy', and allowing him to pardon himself and his family at 11 am on inauguration day.
The question is, would Biden take that route? is he pretending feebleness and/or dementia, in order to be able to escape prosecution? Or is he controlled, his family already being 'caught' (e.g. if hunter's laptop exposure was deliberate by Hunter, or a cover story for how the evidence actually got into DOJ hands)?
Who really controls biden? If it is the deepstate, then why have so many of his policies actually continued the Trump agenda while at the same time, coming across as a disaster for the USA? Note all the climate and enviro policies that the enviro-Marxists would expect Biden to advance, but which were in fact blocked and the opposite put in place.
If devolution was put in place in some form, this would explain why Biden appears to have limited ability and authority in various areas.
If Biden is in fact controlled, and finally the DS have come to realize it ("We put him in, rigged it, but damn, he was already controlled and compromised by the WH before he was even elected...."), they are going to WANT to get him out of there, but they may not be able to do it.
If Biden is not WH controlled, then he may want to take the withdraw to health route, but its still a massive problem, because the issue is not just physical health, as in he has an illness and cannot physically sustain the job, but rather, he has cognitive and mental issues, so how the heck did they put him in in the first place?
As for pardoning himself or family, I believe you can only pardon someone if they have been charged and/or convicted. Can he pardon people for crimes they 'may have committed' but have not been charged with or convicted of?
It will be interesting to see how it unfolds. But overall, I feel like there are just too many 'coincidences' to think that Biden is a free agent and that the DS are not cornered.
Lol, all they have left now is gaslighting.
Of course they’re going to replace Biden at the last second after the DNC primary. Someone better tell Politicoal the DNC changed their own rules last year so this could be possible. What, have they actually paid attention to politics?
"Fauci never said masks don't work"
"Fauci says you actually need two layers to work"
I don't see it that way at all.
The narrative that Big Mike, for example, would be switched in, has been going around for years. The impact? It makes it almost impossible for them to switch Obama in.
Likewise, all the talk about Biden being switched out, makes it that much harder for them to do it. Because switching him out would be an admission directly to their base that they screwed up chosing him in the first place.
And, we want Biden in there. He's the ideal candidate to run vs Trump, because no one in the world will believe that he won the election, even if they try to steal it again.
Biden NOT being gotten rid of can be seen as a pretty big devo-proof, showing that in fact, the DS have far less control than they want.
Even DJT's Texas wall comment' Be careful what you wish for, ala using the 25th amendment, can be seen as placing narrative deployments making it that much harder to the DS to actually get rid of Biden.
Removing Biden would be a massive loss for the DS narratively and optically. They essentially have ZERO choice but to pretend that Biden is fine, he's OK.
They are cornered, and they know it.
I agree but they are building the narrative that Biden is no longer healthy enough to run. That makes it very easy for him to simply withdraw due to health. I think thats the route they go right before the convention. That way they can throw him a bone, allow him to finish the last couple months of his term, avoiding the Kamala problem and protecting his 'legacy', and allowing him to pardon himself and his family at 11 am on inauguration day.
The question is, would Biden take that route? is he pretending feebleness and/or dementia, in order to be able to escape prosecution? Or is he controlled, his family already being 'caught' (e.g. if hunter's laptop exposure was deliberate by Hunter, or a cover story for how the evidence actually got into DOJ hands)?
Who really controls biden? If it is the deepstate, then why have so many of his policies actually continued the Trump agenda while at the same time, coming across as a disaster for the USA? Note all the climate and enviro policies that the enviro-Marxists would expect Biden to advance, but which were in fact blocked and the opposite put in place.
If devolution was put in place in some form, this would explain why Biden appears to have limited ability and authority in various areas.
If Biden is in fact controlled, and finally the DS have come to realize it ("We put him in, rigged it, but damn, he was already controlled and compromised by the WH before he was even elected...."), they are going to WANT to get him out of there, but they may not be able to do it.
If Biden is not WH controlled, then he may want to take the withdraw to health route, but its still a massive problem, because the issue is not just physical health, as in he has an illness and cannot physically sustain the job, but rather, he has cognitive and mental issues, so how the heck did they put him in in the first place?
As for pardoning himself or family, I believe you can only pardon someone if they have been charged and/or convicted. Can he pardon people for crimes they 'may have committed' but have not been charged with or convicted of?
It will be interesting to see how it unfolds. But overall, I feel like there are just too many 'coincidences' to think that Biden is a free agent and that the DS are not cornered.
Yea the Biden question is definitely an enigma wrapped in a mystery.
making clown world work for us. love it.
Or will they assassinate him, and blame Maga, rather than give us another big win???