I didn't pick up on that until you pointed it out. That is an odd mistake on an official form, if it is a mistake? Is his whole name Michael Christopher Steele?
The only Michael Steele that I can think of was the RNC leader for Bush. Currently an MSNBC reporter, Trump basher.
I wonder if whomever wrote this was an American lefty and made a mistake? kek I'm only half kidding.
I believe so.
Who is Michael Steele? I thought the dossier was written by Christopher Steele?
I didn't pick up on that until you pointed it out. That is an odd mistake on an official form, if it is a mistake? Is his whole name Michael Christopher Steele?
The only Michael Steele that I can think of was the RNC leader for Bush. Currently an MSNBC reporter, Trump basher.
I wonder if whomever wrote this was an American lefty and made a mistake? kek I'm only half kidding.
Looks like the whole thing was BS anyway, but with 99% of DC being libtards, mistakes are gonna happen! 🤣
Tends to support the idea it is fake.
Director of GCHQ would not get THAT name wrong.
This is all fake. Ignore it.
Post is BS.