I took my one year old grandson in (helping out my daughter) for a checkup on his RSV that’s he’s had for 2 weeks, as he had fluid in his lungs last week. (He’s doing great now BTW). The doctor questioned where he could have possibly picked it up. We ran through some possibilities and eventually started talking about covid. He (the doctor) and his wife both just got over their 5th bout of covid.. this one being the worst. He couldn’t eat for 5 days and needed steroids for his cough. Then he tells me “to top it all off I’ve had 3 covid shots!”. Then I say (as a very non confrontational type, but totally dumbfounded by his ignorance)… “well, I think you need to stop taking those shots, doc. They’re obviously not doing you any good.” He says, “I did turn down the fourth”.
My question is, how can someone so brilliant enough to become a doctor be so stupid? Sadly, I predict he’ll be dead in 5 years. Crazy.
Doctors aren't necessarily brilliant. And remember, 50% of them graduate in the bottom 1/2 of their class. Some are just good at memorization and / or test taking, but not necessarily thoughtful.
Confessing to be wise they became fools -Romans 1:22
That's right.
Know what they call the guy who graduates at the very bottom, last in his class at medical school?
And some are just the right race or sex.
As long as they can write script, I mean prescription
They don't do that any more. My previous doctor's nurse wrote all the paper prescriptions. Today, the nurses type the computer orders for medicine. My last one was done incorrectly, so I had to call in and find out what they really intended.