137 Nimrata displaying her stupidity, yet again, with her tweets. (twitter.com) posted 349 days ago by bubble_bursts 349 days ago by bubble_bursts +137 / -0 67 comments share 67 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Finally I see someone calling her Nimarata.👍 If you simply call her Nikki Haley, you are hiding her legal first name from India and non-citizen parents, and this is helping her.
Always call them out. Like when Q kept saying Hussein it had a huge impact on Anons
I once called an old classmate by his “deadname” after he adopted a demonic-looking new one.
The freak-out was incredible, and lasted for over an hour.
Only genuine demonic possession, with the new entity not liking the host being called back into reawakening makes any sense to me.
Different than this case, but still noteworthy.