The article recommends sending him books directly from sellers like Amazon, what he won't even get them. But we can send letters. Certainly we're on lists already. Besides what he wants to read (Dinesh D'Souza), what would be helpful for him to give the other inmates as ministry and education? Remember their reading skills, or lack of.
Many prisons will not give prisoners items sent by private individuals, it needs to come from the publisher or organization itself. I contacted the CATO Institute about donating money and having the copies of the Constitution sent to his prison. Might also contact LCI (Libertarian Christian Institute) and Connor Boyack, writer if the Tuttle Twins series on Liberty.
Wow, I bet they move him soon. Good for him teaching the hard cons. Maybe this will turn their lives around!
That is a hit movie story in the making.
The article recommends sending him books directly from sellers like Amazon, what he won't even get them. But we can send letters. Certainly we're on lists already. Besides what he wants to read (Dinesh D'Souza), what would be helpful for him to give the other inmates as ministry and education? Remember their reading skills, or lack of.
Many prisons will not give prisoners items sent by private individuals, it needs to come from the publisher or organization itself. I contacted the CATO Institute about donating money and having the copies of the Constitution sent to his prison. Might also contact LCI (Libertarian Christian Institute) and Connor Boyack, writer if the Tuttle Twins series on Liberty.
Oh my gosh I can't believe I didn't think of the Tuttle Twins, love it!
Don't stop praying for TRUTH and JUSTICE!
And look where that got him. Laws are meaningless words on paper.