Here's The Number of Edits in This Two Minute Pre-Recorded Video of Joe Biden - This Raises Serious Questions – Right Journalism
A video shared Tuesday to the official “POTUS” account on the Twitter machine won’t help matters. In the pre-recorded two-minute
The work was done by someone who normally directs music videos. But the wind machine was on the fritz.
And he still couldn’t get it right. Embarrassing for the President of the United States and embarrassing for our nation.
You can see his expressions are different in every one of the cuts. Probably need to shoot him up with adrenochrome and dementia meds every 11 seconds for him to stay somewhat coherent. Probably took them 3 weeks to shoot this.
The author of the article plagiarized this word for word from Viva Frei's tweet:
There are tools that look at video and probably audio as well for sections that may have been chopped and changed in a post-production type stealth edit, by AI or people. I suspect its pretty trivial to detect all discontinuities the way the author of the article did manually drawing on their expertise.
The only reason for this many edits is if the person delivering the message is laughing throughout and is trying to not laugh.
OK this is getting ridiculous. This guy doesn't even look a little bit like the actual Senator Joe Biden.
Lots of editing, sure, but the big question is: Where is the real Senator Biden, and who is this character?