It's part of war. Minimize casualties I guess but know that there will be, lesser of two evils, etc. That's why so many of us don't want to be in that position. "You want me on that wall. You NEED me on that wall."
Correct. That’s why they are letting the demons to expose themselves. Like all wars have their casualties. Some have lived some died. Hopefully it is none of us. We need to pray more.
Freeeee. I just don't know whether bad guys keep us docile by telling us white hats are hard at work. Kind of like the policeman in The Big Lebowski, "they got us working in shifts."
Jokes aside, there's a book, The Unbearsble Likeness of Being. Communism was too much for the main character so he gave up his career as a surgeon and headed off to live as a rather poor farmer but independent. He didn't wait to see if anyone came to his rescue. That's what I'm up to.
White hats have made plenty of moves that directly and negatively effect public safety and health. Unfortunate as it is, it's part of the GAW.
It's part of war. Minimize casualties I guess but know that there will be, lesser of two evils, etc. That's why so many of us don't want to be in that position. "You want me on that wall. You NEED me on that wall."
Sometimes I think the 4 to 6 % will be the percentage of population reduction when this is finally over. Better than the 50 % planned on
Correct. That’s why they are letting the demons to expose themselves. Like all wars have their casualties. Some have lived some died. Hopefully it is none of us. We need to pray more.
With white hats like these, who needs enemies?
Do you want to be truly free or a comfortable slave?
Freeeee. I just don't know whether bad guys keep us docile by telling us white hats are hard at work. Kind of like the policeman in The Big Lebowski, "they got us working in shifts."
Jokes aside, there's a book, The Unbearsble Likeness of Being. Communism was too much for the main character so he gave up his career as a surgeon and headed off to live as a rather poor farmer but independent. He didn't wait to see if anyone came to his rescue. That's what I'm up to.
The irony isn't lost. Again, collateral damage is an unfortunate reality for any war.
Life isn't a fairy tale