Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
If you find people violating these rules, deport them rather than start a argument here.
Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evoloving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
Binge watching was created to keep us from behaving like a normal human that has personal relationships with people. That’s just maybe one reason. Brain wash, dumb you down, lazy and the list goes on. I’m guilty of binging tv series. I know it’s partly out of boredom. Much of it for me was didn’t have energy from the chronic pain. Stay sedentary because you can’t move. Get worse because you sat on your but. Something worse than binge TV watching is little video clips called reels. I don’t do it now but that was my stress relief. If I could not sleep I’d watch stupid reel after reel and sending them to my husband. I’d laugh till I cried because they were really funny. One day I got to thinking how controlling that was. Most reels have loud laugh tract or loud music. I do love to watch funny stuff but that wasn’t healthy. And the parents pimping their kids out on social media with cute skits, cursing etc. I would watch and just laugh. One day I ran across this lady explaining these kids are used for money and the pedos stalk those accounts. I can’t even watch a video of a cute kid now, unless it’s my granddaughter and that’s private between family.
My son has been in a group researching the sources that these children's videos come from, a lot of them are not from the states, but a lot of them are. Not talking about anything obviously abusive, but the pranks and falls and performances that kids do while the parents record them for clicks. It is exploitive. Regarding bingeing, yeah, I do it when I find something that interests me, I know it is a form of escape. For years I was fine with no TV, years. Decades, lol. With streaming though, at my age, it is a mixed blessing, where I live it is always a 40 mile or longer round trip to go to the movies, so a subscription to the streaming services is still cheaper than, say, a movie twice a month. I have a rule for myself, no shows until after dinner, no tv during the day, for me. The man I care for in my home watches, but while he does that I am doing housework and chores. Social media is something I have found myself addicted to when there are "big stories". The reels I will watch have to do with animals, but even some of those are exploitive. The older I get the more of a "shut in" I have become, I am not depressed or lonely though, except for the fact my body has limits it never had during my 40's and 50's. I was active, I hiked, walking 5 miles a day was normal. I had thought being so physically active would keep me strong into my senior years. Not so. Depending on my mood, I enjoy good mysteries, crime, and documentaries, sci fi sometimes. Too much of a curmudgeon to enjoy romcoms though. I can laugh at a good comedy stand up.
Anytime, I see any video with children in it, I say do not recommend. Sure that might be a few wholesome accounts out there, but there’s no way for me to really know. Besides that I don’t want to watch videos of other peoples children. I think it’s kind of creepy. But yes, this is one of my biggest pet peeves right now, help people use their children for Instagram, and social media clicks.
One of the few accounts that I actually like it is one called chicken Ricky on YouTube. It’s basically his dad teaching his sons, how to mow lawns, fix motorcycles, and do lots of their own repairs on machinery and stuff like that. There’s nothing weird about it, it’s just a good father, raising up his son’s right. The. But to be honest, I don’t even see it in my feed anymore. But they have a pretty large following.
ya ain't wrong. but you can get something out of even modern entertainment if you are careful. heck i kinda enjoy picking out the stupid predictive or other kinds of programming now.