This is so very satisfying to me. I recently started making prayer/gratitude journals and I decided to verify any verse I put into the journals with my King James Bible and I was so very shocked at how these new versions have literally left out verses and changed words like "charity" to "love". Completely unacceptable to me. So any verse I put into my journals has the initials "KJV" after them.
So many people say that the King James version language is difficult to read and they want the simplified versions of the bible instead. There are some things that simply should not be "simplified". The language of the KJV is beautiful once you immerse yourself into it and I would have it no other way.
First everyone should be aware that the Bible was written in Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic. So right at the start we can say that the KJV isn't the original Bible. It's merely the first English translation.
So two things....
1- keep in mind when the KJV was being translated that Hebrew was a dead language. Our ability to translate Hebrew much more accurate since That time allowing us to have more precise translations of certain portions of text.
2- The science of textual criticism and transmission has also progressed and we have newer, earlier sources (Like the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls) that we can use to determine textual variants / changes such as those made by scribes producing copies of Bibles by hand.
"Textual criticism" is the practice of examining manuscripts to locate the most accurate among all the various manuscripts we have from the 2nd century onward. A science that has come a LONG WAY since the KJV.
I recommend a book on the subject by Dr James White, who is one of the top experts on that and a couple of related subjects, in the world.
He does a very fair examination of both sides of the issue. Even if you want to continue to hold to a KJV onlyist position this book will give you a much better understanding of the subject.
People need a relationship with Jesus above all. The Bible is like a hologram..each translation offers rays that meet up to the 3D version however someone can even develop that relationship outside the Bible..the Bible is a living word. People get to caught up in translation and forget our God is alive and with us. Working all things for his good
My Bible of choice is King James; however, having attended and preached/taught in a KJV-only church, my disappoint was great in that for professors of having the "right bible" many in that congregation had New International Version hearts. A version will not save the soul, will not convict, will not change a life. The God's word must enter the heart, take root and bear fruit.
To demonstrate the dire straits of the above church, among them were Free Masons and sympathizers to that wicked thing. I found out that shedding light on Free Masonary was the third rail. I received the left foot of fellowship.
EDIT: The most incredible computer Bibles are Sword Searcher and the free e-Sword.
I've come to believe that the bible has been rewritten with "weakening" language. In "The meek shall inherit the earth" meek is incorrectly translated and instead means "Those who are armed yet keep their weapons sheathed". "Thou shall not kill" was "Thou shall not murder". The truth is still there but it's packed like a zip file.
FWIW, you should only obey one King and it's not an earthly one.
This is so very satisfying to me. I recently started making prayer/gratitude journals and I decided to verify any verse I put into the journals with my King James Bible and I was so very shocked at how these new versions have literally left out verses and changed words like "charity" to "love". Completely unacceptable to me. So any verse I put into my journals has the initials "KJV" after them.
So many people say that the King James version language is difficult to read and they want the simplified versions of the bible instead. There are some things that simply should not be "simplified". The language of the KJV is beautiful once you immerse yourself into it and I would have it no other way.
First everyone should be aware that the Bible was written in Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic. So right at the start we can say that the KJV isn't the original Bible. It's merely the first English translation.
So two things....
1- keep in mind when the KJV was being translated that Hebrew was a dead language. Our ability to translate Hebrew much more accurate since That time allowing us to have more precise translations of certain portions of text.
2- The science of textual criticism and transmission has also progressed and we have newer, earlier sources (Like the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls) that we can use to determine textual variants / changes such as those made by scribes producing copies of Bibles by hand.
"Textual criticism" is the practice of examining manuscripts to locate the most accurate among all the various manuscripts we have from the 2nd century onward. A science that has come a LONG WAY since the KJV.
I recommend a book on the subject by Dr James White, who is one of the top experts on that and a couple of related subjects, in the world.
The King James Only Controversy: Can You Trust Modern Translations? (2009)
He does a very fair examination of both sides of the issue. Even if you want to continue to hold to a KJV onlyist position this book will give you a much better understanding of the subject.
I love this! So much! ❤️
People need a relationship with Jesus above all. The Bible is like a hologram..each translation offers rays that meet up to the 3D version however someone can even develop that relationship outside the Bible..the Bible is a living word. People get to caught up in translation and forget our God is alive and with us. Working all things for his good
My Bible of choice is King James; however, having attended and preached/taught in a KJV-only church, my disappoint was great in that for professors of having the "right bible" many in that congregation had New International Version hearts. A version will not save the soul, will not convict, will not change a life. The God's word must enter the heart, take root and bear fruit.
To demonstrate the dire straits of the above church, among them were Free Masons and sympathizers to that wicked thing. I found out that shedding light on Free Masonary was the third rail. I received the left foot of fellowship.
EDIT: The most incredible computer Bibles are Sword Searcher and the free e-Sword.
I've come to believe that the bible has been rewritten with "weakening" language. In "The meek shall inherit the earth" meek is incorrectly translated and instead means "Those who are armed yet keep their weapons sheathed". "Thou shall not kill" was "Thou shall not murder". The truth is still there but it's packed like a zip file.
FWIW, you should only obey one King and it's not an earthly one.