Shame on anyone here thinking there is a difference between Republicans and Democrats in DC when it comes to spending. That's how they both pad their own pockets. Really, it's the only thing that matters to them.
Just waiting to see how badly he got rolled this time. I'll be positively giddy if I'm wrong, but just not getting good vibes. If he has a set, they certainly aren't brass.
Sometimes what we want is not what we really need. What we need is a President Trump led MAGA majority in the House and Senate. Speaker Johnson cannot deliver nearly enough meaningful change until that happens.
The trade off to coerce the Dems and RINOS into closing the border is too high. They will insist on amnesty to create new voters, money for Ukraine with language that ties President Trump’s hands in the next term, and other measures that will have a lasting impact. And, after giving up all that, Biden will still leave the border open.
I’m hoping for a series of bare bones continuing resolutions to carry the government until President Trump is sworn back into office. That will be the cleanest slate possible. Nine more months of the status quo is more palatable than the compromise that would have to be made for anything more than a CR.
I think you and I are in agreement. Speaker Johnson is doing something people are failing to appreciate. Maneuvering the Uniparty into another CR is a win. Am I missing something?
I see...Now that you're finished assuming Shit , did I fail to mention that these are the words of one of our Favorite Pepes ....
Sometimes I 'test' people here because they're very quick to Jump on peoples opinions and posts and Assume a lot of Shit.. Which you just did.. Peoples 'Opinions' seem to change drastically sometimes depending on WHO the 'messenger is.......Thank you for the clarity...
Shame on anyone here thinking there is a difference between Republicans and Democrats in DC when it comes to spending. That's how they both pad their own pockets. Really, it's the only thing that matters to them.
Just waiting to see how badly he got rolled this time. I'll be positively giddy if I'm wrong, but just not getting good vibes. If he has a set, they certainly aren't brass.
Sometimes what we want is not what we really need. What we need is a President Trump led MAGA majority in the House and Senate. Speaker Johnson cannot deliver nearly enough meaningful change until that happens.
The trade off to coerce the Dems and RINOS into closing the border is too high. They will insist on amnesty to create new voters, money for Ukraine with language that ties President Trump’s hands in the next term, and other measures that will have a lasting impact. And, after giving up all that, Biden will still leave the border open.
I’m hoping for a series of bare bones continuing resolutions to carry the government until President Trump is sworn back into office. That will be the cleanest slate possible. Nine more months of the status quo is more palatable than the compromise that would have to be made for anything more than a CR.
I think you and I are in agreement. Speaker Johnson is doing something people are failing to appreciate. Maneuvering the Uniparty into another CR is a win. Am I missing something?
"If he puts another stopgap spending measure on the floor before they secure our border it will spell trouble
I pray he takes his armor out of the closet, put it on and stand up"
What happens if he lights himself on fire and says no more money for foreign Wars?
Far right = freedom loving patriots.
What do cowards usually do?
Fortunately that's your problem & Not mine...And you need to take that sanctimonious stick out your arse
Pray, Do Tell...
I see...Now that you're finished assuming Shit , did I fail to mention that these are the words of one of our Favorite Pepes ....
Sometimes I 'test' people here because they're very quick to Jump on peoples opinions and posts and Assume a lot of Shit.. Which you just did.. Peoples 'Opinions' seem to change drastically sometimes depending on WHO the 'messenger is.......Thank you for the clarity...
That's up to you, I believe in free speech...I was just letting you know that you/we should never assume...😎