Place huge rocket boosters attached to the earth all facing east and fire all of our rockets and shorten the day by 27.375 seconds and the earth will cool 1.5 degrees Celsius, so we can continue to blast CO2 into the atmosphere for 400 ppm more with only getting our 1.5 degrees celsius back. Before industrial revolution our CO2 level was 280 ppm, took 200 years to rise to 440, speeding up the earth will buy some time. But then we would have to add another day to the calendar every 8.64 years. However shorter days would make solar less efficient, and who knows what would happen to the currents in the ocean when we pushed the rotation of the earth faster. On second thought, forget it, lets give the laxative a try.
One step closer to "Brawndo ... its got the electrolytes that plants crave"
"Change the alkalinity of the ocean..." Yeah, that'll work.
Another grift to keep on grifting.
Oh shit.
Kill all the living creatures in the ocean? Brilliant just brilliant NOT!
Milk of Magnesia? Great quivering fish bowels! Altering ocean chemistry––what could possibly go wrong?
Some more fish poop then?
Place huge rocket boosters attached to the earth all facing east and fire all of our rockets and shorten the day by 27.375 seconds and the earth will cool 1.5 degrees Celsius, so we can continue to blast CO2 into the atmosphere for 400 ppm more with only getting our 1.5 degrees celsius back. Before industrial revolution our CO2 level was 280 ppm, took 200 years to rise to 440, speeding up the earth will buy some time. But then we would have to add another day to the calendar every 8.64 years. However shorter days would make solar less efficient, and who knows what would happen to the currents in the ocean when we pushed the rotation of the earth faster. On second thought, forget it, lets give the laxative a try.