Your goal as a moderator on this site is to ensure the best user experience. In our best interest, we can agree that we desire freedom of speech and the freedom to discuss whatever topics we deem necessary to the Great Awakening.
When us anons here are discontent with your moderation policies, it is of your best interest, and the best interest of the board, to reconsider your practices. Whether you disagree with the nature of the content, the source of the content, or the relevancy to Q or the Great Awakening (to a reasonable degree,) you should not be so quick to remove topics of discussion.
Thank you.
Much respect to the mods. Your job is tough. But "Q" is about as fringe as it gets. The lamestream considers Q as "the conspiracy theory to unite them all" -- Does not compute for me.
The Q clock
What the lamestream considers as 'conspiracy theory' is irrelevant and invalid.
If Q is at the center, which it is on this board, then it's not fringe. The boards standard is what defines the board, not the lamestream.
There are theories and topics that are not only fringe, but off-topic to the subject of the board, with is the Q operation: its origins, execution, outcomes and legacy.
When the media attacks something, it's very often true.
When the media gives you a list of "permitted conspiracies", you should probably ignore all of them.
Q, at it's very basic, is an extremely benign theory. It's nowhere near implausible. It's frankly more believable than most other ones out there. "Donald Trump, upon becoming president, instructed the military to run a strategic operation disseminating hidden information directly to the US public using an anonymous account online".
This, as well as the actual things Q said are not that far out there, and the idea that Q is military is perfectly reasonable. When it gets "fringe" is when we start going into anon's interpretations of Q posts that get quite out there regarding double meanings and such.
And the thing is, it doesn't matter what the mainstream thinks. If we based our views on the mainstream, none of us would be here to begin with. What matters is waking up normies. And some shit is diametrically opposed to that mission.
The normies believe what the mainstream tells them. How do ppl not understand this?