Grossest of the gross but maybe this explains the ex girlfriend of the guy who played Freddy Mercury in the movie, saying "He eats babies. There. I said it" and the guy Army Hammer hinting at cannibalism interests. Two Los Angeles dudes. And then the Hllywood community PRETENDS to find it distasteful.
Her name is Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929–2019). A Jewish agnostic.
An author, speaker & co-founder and president of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution. She was the author of 7books on social & planetary evolution.
Hubbard posited that humanity was on the threshold of a quantum leap if newly emergent scientific, social, and spiritual capacities were integrated to address global crises
Grossest of the gross but maybe this explains the ex girlfriend of the guy who played Freddy Mercury in the movie, saying "He eats babies. There. I said it" and the guy Army Hammer hinting at cannibalism interests. Two Los Angeles dudes. And then the Hllywood community PRETENDS to find it distasteful.
Her name is Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929–2019). A Jewish agnostic. An author, speaker & co-founder and president of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution. She was the author of 7books on social & planetary evolution. Hubbard posited that humanity was on the threshold of a quantum leap if newly emergent scientific, social, and spiritual capacities were integrated to address global crises Video:
NSFW, NSFL Chinese Fetal Soup: