Oh they work alright! The shots are doing as intended: maim and kill. Depopulation of young and old. If you think for one minute this was a lab “leak” and not deliberate,I have a bridge to sell you.
I understand them wanting to kill off the old as they don't want to pay social security and older people are more likely to remember how the USA used to be and be defiant towards woke bullshit, but why kill the young people that they have been brainwashing for years and rely upon to be their new useful idiots?
The Deep State wants to decrease the population, but allow just enough to service their needs. They don’t want too many healthy males that will continue to procreate or serve in the military.
Oh they work alright! The shots are doing as intended: maim and kill. Depopulation of young and old. If you think for one minute this was a lab “leak” and not deliberate,I have a bridge to sell you.
True, that. I left the headline as is because some are still closed minded to this and we do have lurkers here.
I understand them wanting to kill off the old as they don't want to pay social security and older people are more likely to remember how the USA used to be and be defiant towards woke bullshit, but why kill the young people that they have been brainwashing for years and rely upon to be their new useful idiots?
The Deep State wants to decrease the population, but allow just enough to service their needs. They don’t want too many healthy males that will continue to procreate or serve in the military.
They kinda like killing people, useful or not. It gives them that feeling of power.