posted ago by ILoveIvermectin ago by ILoveIvermectin +36 / -0

Not really sure what to think, maybe it’s a rip off of American Psycho? Or are both films based on the reality of the elite.


“Catherine Black, a wealthy and extremely intelligent corporate hedge fund manager and serial killer, has a high-fashion sense and spends her money on expensive cars, clothes, artwork, sports memorabilia, and furniture. She purposely lures Tyler Jones, a thief and gamer who steals from elderly individuals, including Black's grandmother, to apply for a job as house sitter of her large home in Malibu. As he cases the home, Black roofies him to knock him out, and then gets her nails done. When Jones awakes, Black's girlfriend arrives, and after feeding him organs of a frat boy while mocking him in Mandarin, they engage in an evening of drugs, sex, and bonding.”