I hate how leftist always use the 1% to justify the 99%. 1% of the border crossers ("asylum seekers") may have legitimate cause to do so, but the other 99% do not, but leftists will cry "It's not fair to stop that 1%!". Same way with criminals and punishment. They would rather cater to the 1% of criminals who may actually be decent people who were either unjustly sentenced, or even falsely accused, while letting the 99% ravage society.
Dems love criminals. Why? Because they are criminals too.
I hate how leftist always use the 1% to justify the 99%. 1% of the border crossers ("asylum seekers") may have legitimate cause to do so, but the other 99% do not, but leftists will cry "It's not fair to stop that 1%!". Same way with criminals and punishment. They would rather cater to the 1% of criminals who may actually be decent people who were either unjustly sentenced, or even falsely accused, while letting the 99% ravage society.
That you Dave? Kek.