Oh, bother. My eyes are that far back. You have to consider that the eye is cushioned by a layer of fat behind it. If the fat is shrunk or depleted with age, the eye will recede.
The iris is not black; it is blue. But it is in shadow. The pupil will always be black and when it is enlarged due to low light level, or dilated by drugs, it will make the pupil-iris combination look black.
Look this eyelid, normal eyes don't look like that. https://twitter.com/revelator71/status/1766268466971996365/photo/1
Ya, his eyes are always black...super creepy and not really human looking. 😦
The lack of any moisture (perspiration) on the 'skin' also lends creedence to this being a mask. (as long as this photo isn't photoshopped)
Oh, bother. My eyes are that far back. You have to consider that the eye is cushioned by a layer of fat behind it. If the fat is shrunk or depleted with age, the eye will recede.
The iris is not black; it is blue. But it is in shadow. The pupil will always be black and when it is enlarged due to low light level, or dilated by drugs, it will make the pupil-iris combination look black.
I think if you zoom in on the eye in the right of the picture and look just under his eye, you can see a line where the mask is.
I’m pretty convinced more than just he was wearing a mask too.