Col Douglas Macgregor Response to Joe Biden SOU Speech Is Profoundly Accurate and Important - The Last Refuge
Retired Colonel Douglas Macgregor delivers a surprisingly accurate response to the situation created by Joe Biden as espoused in the 2024 State of the Union address. I cannot emphasize the value of these remarks strongly enough, in part because my own ind...
Sundance has always been on the right side, but because he found Macgregor's response "surprising" shows that recognizing that we are in an information war against global elitists is a breakthrough revelation to him.
I've continued to read CTH over the years admiring the research and analysis, but I found his complete rejection of all things Q to be closed minded. I've always found Sundance to be a truth seeker, but his dismissal of an alternative source of information was disappointing. It slowed him down significantly in finding his way to the real truth that Q followers have known for years. Maybe Macgregor carried more credibility to him or he finally reached the point of frustration that he was willing to listen and its good that he finally gets it.
I guess we all have to find our own path, and I'm glad I kept an open mind. I'm so grateful for the open-minded digital soldiers who do the truly difficult research beyond the MSM to find and share the hidden dots and connections. I also wonder if Macgregor is part of the Q team.
I knew there would be a discussion about Sundance with this post. Thanks for your insights u/LightOneSingleCandle, u/drakus, and u/Donny_Fiasco.
I agree with all of you.
Sundance is an example of someone who needs to set their ego aside and have the willingness to admit when they have got something wrong.
His research has been absolutely amazing, and I feel that far and away he has the best deep dive on all things SpyGate, Russian Collusion, and Intelligence Community Corruption. He absolutely nails it.
But his commitment to disparage all things Q made me leave his site as a daily read and only check in on rare occasions.
This is the problem with people that think they are know it alls. His site is filled with people that want to be know it alls as well, and the comments are almost always brown-nosing praise of the almighty Sundance.
In contrast, on this board, you will definitely find differing opinions and people will hold your ass to account. It is refreshing. It keeps me on my toes and consistently makes me think and discern, rather than lap up the daily articles like the sycophants on CTH.
If I said any of these things over there I would likely be banned for life.
The mods do a heroic job here. There are tons of handshake shills and glowies they play wack-a-mole with all day long. I would never want their job.
I'm glad they keep the board clean and focused and I hope they always allow for differing opinions, even if they are sometimes the subject of ridicule.
We are all stronger with tougher skin, and we are all smarter with tougher thinking.
Yup, agreed with all of this.
Even though Sundance may arrive at the same conclusion that there is a global elitist group controlling, robbing, and depopulating the planet, he may not see the plan in operation to defeat that group and a path forward afterwards.
The most important benefit realized from following Q is hope for the future with the knowledge that if the lights go out, WH are in control. Anyone not following Q could easily end up panicked and depressed.
Spot-on assessment...and TY for sharing all of this and encouraging robust discussion!
Yeah, Sundance is intelligent and he can dig...but to your point, he's closed minded. If anything...I've learned, certainly through exposure to literally DOZENS of smarter and more insightful people in this forum, to open my mind even more, and to learn to ALWAYS always critically think. But again, to your excellent points -- we all "get there" via different paths, and in different timeframes.