It's pretty normal. Highly contagious flu bug popping off. But also it's fairly benign. Everyone I know has gotten a bit of the bug. Most are functioning through it.
I was the left one standing in my company. Everyone else folded.
I wasn't allowed to go to the Christmas party.
I documented it on here way back
Biggest indicator that it's not operation trust 2.0?
Q has not become the pied Piper, leading us into riots, murder and mayhem.
Which I kind of think would be the entire point of Q if we are to believe it's operation trust 2.0
"They already had complete control before Trump, and 99%+ of the public were completely asleep. Why would they wake all of us up if they already had complete control? Why would they put forth all of this resistance and ammunition towards Trump, if he was one of them?
Clandestine digging through the Donny_Fiasco crates again, I see.
Climate change!
Right Mr Jarmusch?
The laugh reminds me of what I do when my wife is admonishing me in public with that pissed off whisper.
They are concurrent
Look into how Hollywood was created and why.
From whence it came...
Double space separate the lines of the song for future reference.
This is one of many stones songs that can be interpreted to either be about a satanic cult or theme, or desperate love, or drug addiction.
Luckily for us, all choices are very similar.
The commie manifesto in a nutshell
Because they're already occupied lands.
We don't know about it.
They shouldn't be arrested.
Their book says they're required to do this.
You said it much more succinctly than I.
The problem is that once money comes into the picture, you find ways to generate more revenue.
I know this from first-hand experience. I was involved with talk radio back in the day, and it's comparable to podcasts and the"influencers" in my opinion.
You start out striking a nerve with a community. Your heart is in the right place. You believe in what you say. 6 months in, you still believe in what you say, but you inevitably have less of it. A year in, and you have a steady following. You get good "ratings". Your audience expects you to deliver.
You brainstorm. What's the zeitgeist? You see a chance to create controversy within your subject matter, let's say football.
You say something knowing it will create attention for your show. If you're in NY, you say Philly has a better team. And vice versa. You listen to other shows and take the opposite side of whatever it is they're whinging about.
But hey, you still believe in the basis of your show, but you have to have the ratings {clicks, influences, impressions} to even keep the show. So a little manufactured material mixed in won't hurt anyone. It's for the greater good!
But now everyone is doing it. You need to up the ante. You begin researching "underground" gossipy topics, reading forums {ahem GAW!}, and glomming from online arguments to give you material. You take a side that aggravates the most people. Or you take a very popular stance which guarantees listeners {or readers}, but maybe they aren't as passionate as the angry ones.
Nevertheless you've found your niche. You're basically taking any material you can that will ensure people will listen. Your personal view is still there somewhere. Certainly that counts for something! But now there's less and less time to get it in the show.
Now you're a Brian Cates! Or a Clandestine! You believe in 50% of what you say, the rest is the sizzle.
Right Cates?! I know he reads GAW
Where's that Baldwin dude?
Silver linings, i suppose
Here comes the leak....
They knew very early on that of they couldn't get Trump in the courts, they would lose the presidential election in a landslide. So they gaslit the public about Kamala... Meanwhile, they changed their focus to the Senate races hoping to fly under the radar when all attention was on Trump/Kamala.
And yes, it's all very obvious. So, what do we do about it? Trump hasn't mentioned it, which i take to mean that he intends to remedy the cheating itself for the future, not the races already stolen.
Scooter Braun. Lmao.
Give me a fucking break
No shit Sherlock
My Stasi's in effect
And we're doin' the do
We got more crimes than your whole damn crew
Never let your guard down.
But do revel in the good fortune.
Why do we need a bill?
It's illegal.
Body language expert here:
As I said in another thread, that "laugh" from Obama is the same laugh I utilize when my wife is admonishing me in public with a pissed off whisper.
We both are smiling but saying some things that are not so complimentary. The flipping through pages is to throw off the eyes from the conversation.