posted ago by Qanaut [M] ago by Qanaut +333 / -8



Anons and Patriots of The Great Awakening; Digital Soldiers and Keyboard Warriors all — as we find ourselves nearing the final chapters of the great saga of our times, it is important that we recenter our perspective on this fifth generation war in which we find ourselves fighting. With each and every passing day the number of awakened Anons among us increases. As with any great war, there comes a time when a strategy and tactics briefing is necessary in order to direct the attention and the energy of soldiers towards actions that would benefit a victory condition for the war. Make no mistake Anons, you are all Digital Soldiers and Keyboard Warriors!


We are at war Anons. We are at war with the greatest enemy humanity has ever faced. Our adversaries are great in number, strength, and influence. They have invaded and infiltrated every facet of our society. We can see their influence in the media we consume through television, newspapers, music, streaming, and video games. They operate in the shadows, pulling the strings of finance, pharmaceuticals, and politics both local, national, and global. They are everywhere and ever they seek to find new ways to spread their influence far and wide. YOU are the target of this war. YOU and everyone you hold dear and love in your life.

The war we fight is not one of kinetics, but of information. As the sidebar of our board reads: We are researchers who deal in open source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here. WE ARE THE PUBLIC FACE OF Q. OUR MISSION IS TO RED-PILL NORMIES.

I want you to think and contemplate upon that last sentence; *the public face of Q, and the mission to red-pill normies. It is for this reason that this post has been created. We have a great many Anons who have forgotten these words, forgotten our place in this fifth generation war, and forgotten the mission of The Great Awakening.


Ever our enemy seeks to control the threads and weaves of information in the grand tapestry of the narrative. They do so using psychological operations. Some of these psy-ops are subtle, woven delicately into the media we see each and every day. Others are of a much more grand scale and take the form of biological weapons like C19, or events of terror like 9-11. Grand or subtle, they all have the same purpose; to control the narrative and in so doing control We the People of the world.

The battle to control the narrative is of two sides. On the one side there is The Great Reset, set in motion by the Cabalists and their Deep State puppets. On the other side is The Great Awakening, set in motion by Q, Q+ and the legion of anonymous frogs all across the physical and digital world. The Cabalists seek always to control the narrative in any way they can and with any means necessary for their victory in this information war. Failure for them equates to a life imprisonment at best, and certain execution for the worst offenders of crimes against humanity.

Here on The Great Awakening, the Moderation team can be said to have identified a hierarchy of narratives. There are those narratives that can be described as most beneficial to The Great Reset, and others that are most beneficial to The Great Awakening. The training in digital soldiering requires learning the distinction between these narratives, and the power that each has for both good and evil.


Our mission, as aforementioned, is to red pill normies. That is the only reason why our board exists. At its core, this board is dedicated to high quality research that can be distilled by our astute and brilliant frogs into dank memes that normies can more easily absorb. Of what are we intended to red pill the normies about though? The answer is nothing short of the worst offenses of the Cabalists and Deep Staters that Q discussed in great deal. These include crimes against humanity, the sex trafficking and torture of our children, and the infiltration and invasion of governments all across the nation that has led to the complete subjugation of humanity as slaves to these tyrannical and satanic cultists.

Our adversary will do anything to distract us from our mission. We have many three letter agencies that have been dedicated to the control of the narrative. There are think tank groups filled with Harvard and Princeton graduates working for the CIA, NSA, and FBI whose sole job is to combat our dank memes and red pills. That is how effective our mission has been here in The Great Awakening. We as a community have great power in this fifth generation war. Q brought us together for this reason. Divided we were weak; together we have formed an unbreakable bond.


While there are many narratives that are beneficial to our mission to red-pill normies, there are also those that are detrimental and that do great damage to our community and our efforts to bring the normies into the fold of The Great Awakening. These narratives are the weapons with which our fifth generation information war is fought with. They are among the most effective weapons in the arsenal of our adversary. These narratives serve only to cause division and strife among our community.

We moderators of The Great Awakening have identified several such weapons of information warfare that we have deemed dangerous. It is important to note that not all of these narratives are equal in nature. Some of these narratives have grains of truth hidden in them to entice researchers to dig further into what is ultimately a dead end false rabbit hole. What follows is a list of the most egregious among these narratives, along with a short explanation of why we do not allow them on our board.


Chem Trails

The idea that our government agencies and institutions are poisoning us is a common theme of The Great Awakening. We know that such poisoning of our food and water supply has occurred. Look no further than the water contamination in Flint Michigan in 2014, or the train derailment and subsequent detonation of dangerous chemical hazards in East Palestine Ohio in 2023. These are two such real world catastrophes that left evidence trails indicating a high probability of domestic terrorism.

Anons, ssk yourself the following: If you were a three letter government agency responsible for such catastrophes as these, how then would you divert attention away from these happenings and discourage normies from joining the army of research frogs investigating such matters? You would create an even more grand “conspiracy theory” about poisonous clouds in the skies above America, and spread these narratives far and wide to cast a shade of doubt, disbelief, and general disinterest in the entire matter. The result of this narrative is that the entire idea of government involvement in poisoning our environment has become laughable to the normies. After hearing about Chem Trails, normies are less likely to dig into events like East Palestine, Flint, or the myriad of other questionable disasters that have struck America in the last decade.

Flat Earth

Need we discuss this one in depth as we did the last? It should be obvious to all Anons that this narrative is used in weaponized form to dissuade the normies from joining communities like The Great Awakening. The Deep State M5M need only mention their creation of “Qanon” in the same sentence as “flat earth” to create a false association between The Great Awakening and the fringe conspiracy tards who push this nonsense. Many of the narratives that follow are of the same nature. They are obviously ridiculous and nonsensical in nature, and only serve as a means to create an impenetrable psychological wall in the path of normies who otherwise may have joined our ranks.

Directed Energy Weapons

The DEW narrative follows much the same pattern as does Chem Trails. While the Chem Trails narrative serves to cover up domestic terrorism in the form of ecological disasters and FDA / CDC contamination of our food and medicine, the DEW narrative serves to cover up a wide spread conspiracy of arson across North America. There are countless news articles from the last decade of disastrous fires being caused by arsonists. Many of these stories began with the M5M spreading fake news about how these fires were caused by “climate change,” and how they affirmed their climate agenda.

In 2022 there was a map created by an Anon that archived every fire related to food processing plants and food storage locations. This map can still be accessed at https://www.zeemaps.com/view?group=4410859&x. Those Anons who dig into this map will undoubtedly come away with the logical conclusion that there is indeed a conspiracy of domestic terrorism in the form of widespread and coordinated arson. Once again I must ask Anons to question how a three letter agency would best cover up this conspiracy and dissuade researchers from further investigation? Much as Chem Trails had normies looking to the skies for the cause of destruction, so too does the DEW narrative redirect attention away from the real culprit of this coordinated attack on our homeland.

This is where those grains of truth I mentioned earlier come into play. In our previous sticky titled “PSA about death ray posts . . .” we had a great many Anons fall into the trap of reporting how directed energy weapons exist. The existence of this technology fueled a passionate defense of the DEW narrative, and how the Hawaii and Texas fires had to have been caused by such weapons. With a single weaponed narrative, our entire community of brilliant researchers was diverted and redirected away from investigating and researching the systemically and systematically coordinated arson attacks. While our Anons should have been canvassing the news for terrorist cells of Arsonists, they instead pooled all the blame into a single convenient weaponized narrative of information warfare.

The Refuting of Germ Theory

By now the astute Anons among us may have noticed a pattern forming between all of these narratives. The most effective means of dissuading research into a topic is to reconceptualize the entire subject in the minds of normies as ridiculous and not worthy of attention. So too follows the narrative that can best be described as the rebuttal and refutation of germ theory. This narrative would have you believe that there are no bacteria or viruses, and that everything is a parasite. Once again we can see how grains of truth are spread among these narratives. A thick cloud of information warfare has been spread to obfuscate the truth in these matters.

The truth of this narrative is that all disease stems from an invasion in the body. This invasion may take the form of a virus, bacteria, fungi, or parasite. The true conspiracy in this narrative is in the ignoring of most fungi and parasite. It is for this reason that western medicine completely lost their minds when Ivermectin and Hydroxychlorquine became popular in the aftermath of C19. Recall our discussion earlier about false associations. Recall how the media painted Ivermectin as “horse paste,” and spread fake news claiming that President Trump told people to drink bleach, and shove light bulbs up their ass.

The germ theory narrative follows this same strategy. By associating the investigation of parasites with the concept that there are no viruses, the Deep State M5M can effectively shut down conversation surrounding treatments like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. This is how they’ve managed to keep so many normies asleep for so long. They use their positions of influence to manufacture countless false associations between the research we do here on The Great Awakening, and the fringe conspiracy theories we have discussed.


There are a great many other such narratives that we could discuss in this post. Among these other narratives are those such as Med Beds, JFK Jr. Being alive, Hitler fagging, Operation Trust, and Snake Venom. As I would like to contain this information to a single post for our sidebar, and as we have begun to see the repetitious patterns in the grand tapestry of the Deep State M5M narrative, I will simply truncate these narratives with an all encompassing call to action.


Never allow your emotions to do your thinking for you. Always use logic and careful deliberation based upon deep and thorough research in your quest to find the truth. Too often I have seen Anons allow their emotions to control their reactions to the countless narratives we have discussed. While some narratives are obvious in nature, others have subtle truths hidden in plain sight to entice the gullible and susceptible among us to spread the greater lie within, thereby serving the cause of the Deep State.

We must work together as a community to prune the weeds of dis- and misinformation in our garden of high quality research. Ever our enemy seeks to infiltrate The Great Awakening to plant new seeds of distraction. Every Anon should practice constant vigilance in this regard. While we are nearing the end of this decades long war, we cannot allow ourselves to grow complacent as we near the finish line.

Do not take the removal of a post or comment as a personal offense. We have seen a great many Anons go nuclear and implode upon the removal of their content from our board. It is our job as moderators of The Great Awakening to maintain this board as a place to conduct high quality research and spread dank memes. Each and every day, as evidenced by our Mod Logs, we do digital battle against the glowies and clowns that constantly seek to derail our cause and our mission.

If ever you have a disagreement in how this board is being moderated, or have questions or concerns regarding the content we allow, we would kindly ask that you send us a Mod Mail and discuss these matters in private. Likewise, if you see concerning posts or comments that you believe go against our mission statement on the sidebar, we would ask that you use the deport function so that a moderator can take a closer look.

We are in this Fifth Generation War together Anons! We are stronger as a community when we work as a team and conduct our digital warfare operations based upon the same battleplans.

