Home > Business > Industries > Economy > Gold Discovered In Haiti Estimated at $20 Billion Gold Discovered In Haiti Estimated at $20 Billion By Afolabi Ogunde on June 29, 2012 Haiti – Its capital is blighted with earthquake rubble. Its countryside is shorn of trees, chopped down for fuel. And yet, Haiti’s land may hold the key to relieving centuries of poverty, disaster and disease: There is gold hidden in its hills — and silver and copper, too.
A flurry of exploratory drilling in the past year has found precious metals worth potentially $20 billion deep below the tropical ridges in the country’s northeastern mountains. Now, a mining company is drilling around the clock to determine how to get those metals out.
In neighboring Dominican Republic, workers are poised to start mining the other side of this seam later this year in one of the world’s largest gold deposits: 23 million ounces worth about $40 billion.
Haiti’s annual budget is $1 billion, more than half provided by foreign assistance. The largest single source of foreign investment, $2 billion, came from Haitians working abroad last year. A windfall of locally produced wealth could pay for roads, schools, clean water and sewage systems for the nation’s 10 million people, most of whom live on as little as $1.25 a day.
“If the mining companies are honest and if Haiti has a good government, then here is a way for this country to move forward,” said Bureau of Mines Director Dieuseul Anglade.
A small country in Africa ( I forgot the name) had to decide if they allowed a foreign company to mine the gold or let the people in their country mine it. Lots of pressure was applied to cede the mineral rights to the big corporations. The president decided to let the public mine the gold. What happened was the citizens benefited 1000 times over generating a booming economy for everyone. Could Haiti do this? I don't think the gold is accessible by surface mining. And they are totally without morals, or a sense of lawfulness needed to support a society. They have decended into barbarism.
"And they are totally without morals, or a sense of lawfulness needed to support a society. They have decended into barbarism."
That's certainly the message MSM is bombarding us with, but maybe it's false. Wouldn't it make sense to tell the world that these poor people have lost their way, then propose that the good-hearted mining company extract wealth from beneath their feet and give them a small portion of it? Maybe build a school or an orphanage?
That would be awesome, but everyone wants a brass ring. My point was keeping the wealth locally generated massive wealth and prosperity for the people living there. This is the way to do this, but Haiti is in no position to do this?
I apologize. I just reread my comment and realized how ambiguous my message was. I was meaning to suggest that the recent narrative of cannibalism and chaos in Haiti may be a contrived preamble for the greedy people to step in and take control in order to get the lion's share of the resources, leaving a few crumbs for the Haitians.