I'm presently in Ghana, Africa. On Thursday, the Internet quite suddenly went completely down nationwide. Turns out that 4 undersea cables were cut off the Western coast of Africa. Oddly, the cables that run from Europe down the East Coast of Africa were also cut.
The official story is that some shift in the seabed caused these cables to sever. It seems odd to me, that a shift on the seabed could be so powerful as to cut a total of 7 cables multiple kilometers apart and on different continental shelves. Since we were not crushed by a massive Tsunami, I'm guessing that it wasn't a shift on the seabed.
Is this just some crazy coincidence or some kind of practice run?
Maybe their story is true, but it sounds like BS to me.
I'd seen news that South Africa has a massive outage a few days ago. Do a simple ddg search on Internet outage. Here's one from Reuters.
Oh I believe the outage was real. Just the excuse for the outage seems possibly made up.