204 INCOMING: ROYAL FAMILY CUES BRITISH MEDIA FOR MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT (media.greatawakening.win) WE ARE THE NEWS posted 11 months ago by catsfive (context) 11 months ago by catsfive +205 / -1 95 comments download share 95 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Link suggests something going on with Kate Middleton
Could be a really rough pregnancy. 'Abdominal' surgery on fetus and complete bed rest to improve chances of successful delivery. That would possibly lead to many months of incapacitation by Kate.
Sioooo, they have to give a heads ups to watch for a special announcement .... like there is a chance it could be missed. 😂😂....
Not bloody likely that the team assigned to the royals could possibly miss it. 😂😂😂😂
This notice is for the retards they use to not miss the comms they're about to send.