2nd Coming of Christ: Son of Mary. Elizabeth Christ's grandson Donald Trump - the second coming of Christ!
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Let us not deify Trump. He's a good leader and I appreciate that, but he is not God.
Do not create idols out of man. It will only lead you astray and will bring judgement and destruction for worshipping false gods. Worship the true Living God. Whom sent his son to earth to pay our penalty for our sins. His blood was shed for you and I and all whom would trust and believe and surrender to Him. Jesus is the Only way
This kind of nonsense gives all of us a bad name.
What the fuck is wrong with you. Mods delete this stupid blasphemous shit
Yeah, this is blasphemous. Can we not post crap like this?
Is he coming on a white horse?
This one : Revelation 6:2 describes a white horse with a rider holding a bow and a crown, who rides out as a conqueror bent on conquest. Or this one: Rev. 19:11 I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war.
Obviously a vision that John had, and visions are very often communicated in symbolic representations. Pretty sure it is not a literal description.
Consider Elisha's vision.
That said, I think the post is either in poor taste or an attempt at trolldom. Not sure which.