This is a plan by (you know who) to decimate the Euro Caucasian race wherever it may be.
It's just like the American Civil War. The U.S. lost from 600,000 - 800,000 white sons, brothers and fathers. Their homes and farms were burned down, livestock slaughtered and treasures looted. And unless the remaining women had surviving little ones, both their and their husband's bloodlines were extinguished right then, removing all future descendants from having life. Especially cruel when you realize that 95% of the white people did not own slaves, but were simply hard-working farmers, craftsmen and small business owners.
With all the men dead, the need for immigrants was urgent and America allowed hundreds of thousands to come in and help build America, instead of the recently deceased hard-working men and intact families who were perfectly capable of doing so.
Think of this - Had slaves never been brought to America (we know who did this) we might never had cause for a Civil war. We would have a much larger Euro Caucasian population and our country would look completely different.
This is a plan by (you know who) to decimate the Euro Caucasian race wherever it may be.
It's just like the American Civil War. The U.S. lost from 600,000 - 800,000 white sons, brothers and fathers. Their homes and farms were burned down, livestock slaughtered and treasures looted. And unless the remaining women had surviving little ones, both their and their husband's bloodlines were extinguished right then, removing all future descendants from having life. Especially cruel when you realize that 95% of the white people did not own slaves, but were simply hard-working farmers, craftsmen and small business owners.
With all the men dead, the need for immigrants was urgent and America allowed hundreds of thousands to come in and help build America, instead of the recently deceased hard-working men and intact families who were perfectly capable of doing so.
Think of this - Had slaves never been brought to America (we know who did this) we might never had cause for a Civil war. We would have a much larger Euro Caucasian population and our country would look completely different.
Total War is indiscriminate. I would imagine men who committed these heinous acts on innocents were never the same afterwards.