So God wants us to KILL animals out of gluttony & disrupt the rivers around the SLAUGHTERHOUSES by dumping SO much blood that the fish, etc. mutate, and the entire area smells like sh*t? All so betas can eat at Golden Corral??🤔
or maybe we could be 'stewards'
and be thankful, respectful, and HUNT or RAISE our own meat if we choose to eat it.
yeah I know I get bossy about this subject;) but I have such firsthand knowledge of it, I'd feel wrong if I didn't share, my first 'dream' in life was to help animals.
and people can eat as much meat as they want, I just prefer mine to be the free range, non-terrorized kind🤷♀️
AND I'm also a huge Thomas Jefferson fan, think following some of his habits is a wise choice at this time- gluttony surely being a 'wrong' choice...
"Thomas Jefferson cannot be called a vegetarian as we understand the term today. For his own era, however, he was unusually moderate in his consumption of meat and was notable for the variety as well as the quantity of vegetables that he ate.
The documentary record includes several descriptions, including Jefferson's own, of his eating habits:
Thomas Jefferson: "I have lived temperately, eating little animal food, & that, not as an aliment so much as a condiment for the vegetables, which constitute my principal diet."[1]
Ellen Wayles Randolph Coolidge, granddaughter: "He lived principally on vegetables .... The little meat he took seemed merely as a seasoning for his vegetables."[2]
Thomas Jefferson Randolph, grandson: "He ate heartily, and much vegetable food, preferring French cookery, because it made the meats more tender."[3]
Daniel Webster: "He enjoys his dinner well, taking with meat a large proportion of vegetables."[4]
Edmund Bacon, Monticello overseer from 1806-1822: "He never eat much hog-meat. He often told me, as I was giving out meat for the servants, that what I gave one of them for a week would be more than he would use in six months. ... He was especially fond of Guinea fowls; and for meat he preferred good beef, mutton, and lambs. ... He was very fond of vegetables and fruit, and raised every variety of them."[5]
Pretty sure everyone doesn’t want their meat “terrorized.” Including the ranchers.
There is a reason God put rules for the slaughtering of animals (more humane). Which is what America’s animal slaughter is based on.
Temple Grandin is a consultant to the livestock industry. Very autistic but savant-ish, she has changed the meat industry slaughter practices even further. She could “see” thru the animals eyes and made the practice less scary for the animals. You should read her book.
If you’re worried about “terrorized” meat, then make sure you check your grocery store meat (or ask your butcher) for the halal sticker. They purposefully terrorize their livestock before slaughtering…which does change the meat by adrenalizing chemicals.
Don’t much care if our founding father’s or others eat more veggies and little meat. Some do better on fruits and veggies and legumes. Some do better on a high protein, meat diet.
Genesis 9:3. KJV
“Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.”
So God wants us to KILL animals out of gluttony & disrupt the rivers around the SLAUGHTERHOUSES by dumping SO much blood that the fish, etc. mutate, and the entire area smells like sh*t? All so betas can eat at Golden Corral??🤔
or maybe we could be 'stewards'
and be thankful, respectful, and HUNT or RAISE our own meat if we choose to eat it.
Before cars they dumped gasoline in the rivers as well.....
Calm down, Sally. Don’t blame God for man’s actions. My point was that God gave us meat to eat. 🙄
yeah I know I get bossy about this subject;) but I have such firsthand knowledge of it, I'd feel wrong if I didn't share, my first 'dream' in life was to help animals.
and people can eat as much meat as they want, I just prefer mine to be the free range, non-terrorized kind🤷♀️
AND I'm also a huge Thomas Jefferson fan, think following some of his habits is a wise choice at this time- gluttony surely being a 'wrong' choice...
"Thomas Jefferson cannot be called a vegetarian as we understand the term today. For his own era, however, he was unusually moderate in his consumption of meat and was notable for the variety as well as the quantity of vegetables that he ate.
The documentary record includes several descriptions, including Jefferson's own, of his eating habits:
Thomas Jefferson: "I have lived temperately, eating little animal food, & that, not as an aliment so much as a condiment for the vegetables, which constitute my principal diet."[1]
Ellen Wayles Randolph Coolidge, granddaughter: "He lived principally on vegetables .... The little meat he took seemed merely as a seasoning for his vegetables."[2]
Thomas Jefferson Randolph, grandson: "He ate heartily, and much vegetable food, preferring French cookery, because it made the meats more tender."[3]
Daniel Webster: "He enjoys his dinner well, taking with meat a large proportion of vegetables."[4]
Edmund Bacon, Monticello overseer from 1806-1822: "He never eat much hog-meat. He often told me, as I was giving out meat for the servants, that what I gave one of them for a week would be more than he would use in six months. ... He was especially fond of Guinea fowls; and for meat he preferred good beef, mutton, and lambs. ... He was very fond of vegetables and fruit, and raised every variety of them."[5]
Pretty sure everyone doesn’t want their meat “terrorized.” Including the ranchers.
There is a reason God put rules for the slaughtering of animals (more humane). Which is what America’s animal slaughter is based on.
Temple Grandin is a consultant to the livestock industry. Very autistic but savant-ish, she has changed the meat industry slaughter practices even further. She could “see” thru the animals eyes and made the practice less scary for the animals. You should read her book.
If you’re worried about “terrorized” meat, then make sure you check your grocery store meat (or ask your butcher) for the halal sticker. They purposefully terrorize their livestock before slaughtering…which does change the meat by adrenalizing chemicals.
Don’t much care if our founding father’s or others eat more veggies and little meat. Some do better on fruits and veggies and legumes. Some do better on a high protein, meat diet.