As a bit of a hippie frog, we shouldn't be supporting any of these big corporate food entities anyway. It's all garbage created from animals raised in misery. And the misleading names really get to me. "Nature Raised Farms" and "Open Prairie Farms" are such blatant lies. "Natural" means nothing in the Big Food world. It's no surprise that they're reaching out to the lowest of the Proles to manufacture their slop for the rest of us.
Yep. And get some backyard chickens if you can, or find someone who raises them. Buy your eggs locally. I started raising chickens two years ago and I love it. It's easy once you set up their coop and run. Do what you can to stick it to the Man and Big Food.
Right now, we have fourteen hens of various breeds and also a few guinea hens. (We lost two chickens at the end of this past summer due to heat stress. If you get chickens, be prepared to become a chicken vet because they do develop health issues from time to time.) We're planning to get a rooster or two, though. I'd like to breed them and sell the babies locally to make a little extra money and help people to avoid buying from big hatcheries. But that will be a whole new learning process, handling the roosters and making sure the chicks fare well. Right now I'm just selling eggs to a few people at work and storing the rest.
Our chickens get to free-range a few hours per day, but we also feed them organic layer feed, worms, and fruit and vegetable scraps. My husband farms worms during the summer, which the chickens go crazy for. At some point I'd like to start making my own feed at home, but time doesn't allow it right now.
How many do you have and what are you feeding yours? How are they doing?
yes!!! thank you for saying 'misery' 😡 we all need to admit what's going on if we want to 'ascend' God loves the animals too, so they deserve humane treatment. It's our job to make better choices.
Q tells us to read the Bible. the common material between Matthew and Luke is called the Q Source. one of the verses is about God and his love for the sparrows...So imagine His reverence for cows, etc.
Thank you, and I agree wholeheartedly with what you wrote below in your other conversation. The meat industry is still atrocious in this country, especially for poultry animals. There's virtually nothing to protect them within the factory farming industry. It's shameful and evil, which is why I started raising my own chickens. I don't mean to get on my high horse, but I pray every day for the cabal to fall, and I also pray for the cruelty industry to end when that happens. Animals are God's creatures and I know he loves them. We are to care for them and be good stewards of this planet. I wish more people would reflect on this subject on a practical and a spiritual level. I appreciated your TJ quotes, too. (I also teach sped, by the way.)
exactly! I appreciate the reply:) as many like to 'argue' about it🙄
if Q wants us to stick up for children since they're unable to, why wouldn't we do the same for animals? strange when people on a Q forum are in favor of cabal slaughterhouses. want to get my own chickens this summer, the red/brown ones are So pretty. and awesome you teach sped too, think it really helped me to understand Q. made A lot of visual/mematic schedules for kids with autism🐸
So God wants us to KILL animals out of gluttony & disrupt the rivers around the SLAUGHTERHOUSES by dumping SO much blood that the fish, etc. mutate, and the entire area smells like sh*t? All so betas can eat at Golden Corral??🤔
or maybe we could be 'stewards'
and be thankful, respectful, and HUNT or RAISE our own meat if we choose to eat it.
As a bit of a hippie frog, we shouldn't be supporting any of these big corporate food entities anyway. It's all garbage created from animals raised in misery. And the misleading names really get to me. "Nature Raised Farms" and "Open Prairie Farms" are such blatant lies. "Natural" means nothing in the Big Food world. It's no surprise that they're reaching out to the lowest of the Proles to manufacture their slop for the rest of us.
Amen and Hear Hear.
Find yourself a local farmer and deal direct. S/he benefits, you benefit, everyone benefits. will show you a list of farmers in your State, what they offer, and how to contact them, Easy!
Yep. And get some backyard chickens if you can, or find someone who raises them. Buy your eggs locally. I started raising chickens two years ago and I love it. It's easy once you set up their coop and run. Do what you can to stick it to the Man and Big Food.
Best emergency food supply there is. If you have eggs you will never starve.
We're just over a year into chickens, very rewarding. What do you feed yours, how many do you have, and do you plan on breeding them?
Right now, we have fourteen hens of various breeds and also a few guinea hens. (We lost two chickens at the end of this past summer due to heat stress. If you get chickens, be prepared to become a chicken vet because they do develop health issues from time to time.) We're planning to get a rooster or two, though. I'd like to breed them and sell the babies locally to make a little extra money and help people to avoid buying from big hatcheries. But that will be a whole new learning process, handling the roosters and making sure the chicks fare well. Right now I'm just selling eggs to a few people at work and storing the rest.
Our chickens get to free-range a few hours per day, but we also feed them organic layer feed, worms, and fruit and vegetable scraps. My husband farms worms during the summer, which the chickens go crazy for. At some point I'd like to start making my own feed at home, but time doesn't allow it right now.
How many do you have and what are you feeding yours? How are they doing?
yes!!! thank you for saying 'misery' 😡 we all need to admit what's going on if we want to 'ascend' God loves the animals too, so they deserve humane treatment. It's our job to make better choices.
Q tells us to read the Bible. the common material between Matthew and Luke is called the Q Source. one of the verses is about God and his love for the sparrows...So imagine His reverence for cows, etc.
Thank you, and I agree wholeheartedly with what you wrote below in your other conversation. The meat industry is still atrocious in this country, especially for poultry animals. There's virtually nothing to protect them within the factory farming industry. It's shameful and evil, which is why I started raising my own chickens. I don't mean to get on my high horse, but I pray every day for the cabal to fall, and I also pray for the cruelty industry to end when that happens. Animals are God's creatures and I know he loves them. We are to care for them and be good stewards of this planet. I wish more people would reflect on this subject on a practical and a spiritual level. I appreciated your TJ quotes, too. (I also teach sped, by the way.)
exactly! I appreciate the reply:) as many like to 'argue' about it🙄
if Q wants us to stick up for children since they're unable to, why wouldn't we do the same for animals? strange when people on a Q forum are in favor of cabal slaughterhouses. want to get my own chickens this summer, the red/brown ones are So pretty. and awesome you teach sped too, think it really helped me to understand Q. made A lot of visual/mematic schedules for kids with autism🐸
Genesis 9:3. KJV
“Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.”
So God wants us to KILL animals out of gluttony & disrupt the rivers around the SLAUGHTERHOUSES by dumping SO much blood that the fish, etc. mutate, and the entire area smells like sh*t? All so betas can eat at Golden Corral??🤔
or maybe we could be 'stewards'
and be thankful, respectful, and HUNT or RAISE our own meat if we choose to eat it.
Before cars they dumped gasoline in the rivers as well.....
Calm down, Sally. Don’t blame God for man’s actions. My point was that God gave us meat to eat. 🙄
Same as "organic". Anything containing carbon is by definition organic.
Source: two semesters of organic chemistry