Far from throwing up, this is in fact, wonderful news.
Because for things to change, the hypocrisy, the insanity and the unhingedness of the Media Establishment has to be exposed to the American people.
Far from wanting to throw up, we should recognize what this really is: winning.
Along with the recent "bloodbath" fiasco, the Lamestream Media is losing what shreds of credibility they had further day by day.
All this sets the stage for the GREAT changes that will take place after DJT returns to the Office. Everything prior to that is prepping the stage, and the mandate that the people must have for him to be able to do what he pledged he would: drain the swamp.
An overwhelming mandate is required to avert internecine violence on a scale not seen since the Bolshevik Revolution. What we have witnessed in the last 8 years is the plan unfolding to achieve that mandate. All of the pain is regrettable but was necessary, to move the People into a place where they not only accept what has to be done but they cheer it on.
You have hit on the real reason she is back. To distract from Tony’s testimony.
Far from throwing up, this is in fact, wonderful news.
Because for things to change, the hypocrisy, the insanity and the unhingedness of the Media Establishment has to be exposed to the American people.
Far from wanting to throw up, we should recognize what this really is: winning.
Along with the recent "bloodbath" fiasco, the Lamestream Media is losing what shreds of credibility they had further day by day.
All this sets the stage for the GREAT changes that will take place after DJT returns to the Office. Everything prior to that is prepping the stage, and the mandate that the people must have for him to be able to do what he pledged he would: drain the swamp.
An overwhelming mandate is required to avert internecine violence on a scale not seen since the Bolshevik Revolution. What we have witnessed in the last 8 years is the plan unfolding to achieve that mandate. All of the pain is regrettable but was necessary, to move the People into a place where they not only accept what has to be done but they cheer it on.
Where they demand it.... And someone who can do it responds to those demands.
They have resurrected her hippocampus.