The ACS loves cancer. The last thing they would ever want it for cures to be found (come out). Anyone who donates to them is a fool. Common sense says there's no way they would seek a cure for cancers. That would end their organization and take money out of a bunch of overpaid "researchers'" and administrators' pockets.
Is there any such thing a a trustable organization? Would it be a surprise to discover that the real purpose of ACS research is to find new carcinogens/ways to foist them on people? There seems to be more cancer every year.
So are they claiming stress causes cancer?
Meanwhile the government has us working non stop for chum change while robbing us via taxes, interest rates hikes and inflation 🤨🤔 so the gov causes cancer but it's ok 😕
Shouldn't it blame gay bars? That's where the alcohol consumption occurs. Let's give people excuses for excessive consumption instead of encouraging traditional values, yep. Nobody loves a pity pot more than a drunk. Yes, alcohol is a carcinogenic, do gay people drink it because of traditional values? I don't think so, I think they drink because it is part of their lifestyle, not because of mine.
Well, the cancer industry has spoken, and now we know that wholesomeness causes cancer in alphabet people! Whooda thunk it? Forget the apples. Apparently doing something nasty every day is all it takes to keep the oncologist away. Sounds a little strange, but we all trust Big Cancer, right?
The ACS loves cancer. The last thing they would ever want it for cures to be found (come out). Anyone who donates to them is a fool. Common sense says there's no way they would seek a cure for cancers. That would end their organization and take money out of a bunch of overpaid "researchers'" and administrators' pockets.
Is there any such thing a a trustable organization? Would it be a surprise to discover that the real purpose of ACS research is to find new carcinogens/ways to foist them on people? There seems to be more cancer every year.
So are they claiming stress causes cancer? Meanwhile the government has us working non stop for chum change while robbing us via taxes, interest rates hikes and inflation 🤨🤔 so the gov causes cancer but it's ok 😕
Shouldn't it blame gay bars? That's where the alcohol consumption occurs. Let's give people excuses for excessive consumption instead of encouraging traditional values, yep. Nobody loves a pity pot more than a drunk. Yes, alcohol is a carcinogenic, do gay people drink it because of traditional values? I don't think so, I think they drink because it is part of their lifestyle, not because of mine.
Well, the cancer industry has spoken, and now we know that wholesomeness causes cancer in alphabet people! Whooda thunk it? Forget the apples. Apparently doing something nasty every day is all it takes to keep the oncologist away. Sounds a little strange, but we all trust Big Cancer, right?