117 BE CAREFUL WHO YOU FOLLOW - IAN CARROLL Edition (twitter.com) 🔍 Notable posted 11 months ago by Speakfree 11 months ago by Speakfree +118 / -1 90 comments share 90 comments share save hide report block hide replies
LO fucking L
@prolotario1 the Fed, ya “careful who you follow” 😂
I cant see the prolotario comments.
So is the prolotario glow-fag account saying to be careful of Ian Carroll?
Because If so, that should be all any anon needs to see whats really going on here.
lol exactly. What happened to this place? Lots of glow fags on here clearly. This was stickied 😂😂 what a farce
**I'll probably get a day or 2 ban again for calling faggot feds, faggots, but feds are faggots, sorry
You got banned for calling faggot Feds out?
Did the mod willingly get the jab? And like to use retarded passive aggressive ways of censoring himself like writing "phuck" instead of just writing "fuck"?