The building I work in was built by a 5B a year corporation that employs 5,000, but uses tens of thousands of illegal construction workers via subcontractors. So they are doing a million a year per actual employee. Illegals paid straight time no tax no benifits.
The largest tenant is a Partnership Law firm, doing 500M a year with 1,000 Employees. so 500K in Business. There are several hundred Employees who are Partners, in fact, there are less than 100 employees who aren't lawyers. 60 of those less than 100 are in IT. Everyone is treated well, with constant parties, free beverages, and snacks. Great pay and benefits for all.
What they are setting up is not communism. Communism is what they sell to the impoverished under class with a promise of free shit, or to get on the same level as everyone else around them that actually works.
That pie in the sky never materializes.
What they are really setting up is an oligarchy where only the crooked elites ever prosper as they drain the life out of everyone else poor, middle class, and even the unconnected elite or opposition.
I reality the ones they are offering a free ride the intent is a free ride straight into hell, either direct for through lives of slave misery. The cabal elites want just enough people on the earth to fill their needs, and no more. They don't enough in number that might threaten their control. They'll keep that control through a sub-class just above the indigent. That sub-class is the cabal dogs, the over seers. We have plenty that would willingly step into the role of cabal dog.
Right-on with the description.
THAT's maybe the best line about Communism I've ever seen. It leaves out the mass-murder and starvation but THOSE things are too much for the Normie mind to hear; pointing out their "Everything will be FREE!" fantasy won't materialize is, I think, much more effective.
A great comment and so true!
I'm on SS, but returned to work because it isn't enough for even my simple life. I'm not even close to recouping what I paid in, much less what the companies paid in or any interest. Sure! We could live in a Ghetto Apt. and cheat (Wife is still working, 55) There are lots of ways to play the system.
I found out that there's no real penalty to collect at 62 and return to work, unless you die. Even going over the earnings cap. For every month you lose in SS for over cap you receive a .7% increase @ full retirement age.
With all due respect, SS was never meant to fund one's retirement. It's a supplement to any pensions a person receives, along with their personal retirement savings. Basically it's there to stop retirees from starving to death and being homeless after retirement. It was never meant to continue one's lifestyle they had preretirement, no matter how frugal.
There is an epidemic going on right now of retirees moving in with their children because they did not adequately prepare for their retirement.
While I sympathize with people not being able to afford retirement, I feel this falls more in line with issues of personal responsibility.
My generation and those younger will probably never see a penny of the money we've paid into SS because of the likelihood it will go bust before we retire.
This is something that we've been told of pretty much all our lives and hopefully my generation is saving more for their retirement than our parents did.
Which is not an easy thing to do with insane college tuition, the Great Recession happening at the peak of our earning potential, the pandemic putting many of us out of work, insane housing costs, and the inflation we're facing now.
Yeah, I'm just griping over my bad choice to sell out and move/build abroad. I never expected SS to be my only money, and it's not. I'm clever with money but have found that is more important than how much you earn working. I increased my net worth by 27K over the last 10 months, that's pretty good for a security guard paycheck. I also will have 27K in 0 APR CC debt paid off within a few more months, paying zero interest. Hint: CC Debt funded the increase in my net worth, not buying crap.
I completely get it. It's hard to predict how bad the future will be.
I'm moving my happy ass to Costa Rica as soon as I can.
My wife is a Flipino, We were living there from 2017 to Sept. 2020. We have a family to help, and my wife needs 8 more years to reach 62. I'm on SS but working now we are back. I plan to live in The Philippines during winter then come back and work each year. A Snowbird... kek
I had a friend that started taking his at 62. He had calculated that it would take him fourteen years to recoup what he had already gotten by taking it early if he totaled up the extra he would get by waiting to his retirement date.
At least he got some of their money, because he got a rare cancer and died at 65.
About half of folks collect at 62. I did, but returned to work at 63, my SS would have been enough abroad, but wasn't enough when I returned to the USA and started collecting it.
While true:
simply put:
it follows that communism = corporation.
and those that want to be either open or closet communist want to be fiction. comic-al.
Who created the first Corporation ?
I was being facetious.
When it comes to corporation you'd have to go back a long time in history.
In essence it is about abstraction, as corporation stands opposite of the living man.
So the Kings could own their Kingdom but the Church could control their part.
"Own Nothing , Control Everything"