Food rationing in communist Cuba collapsing
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I have an idea, let’s bring Elian Gonzales over here and give him free food and a free phone
Who knows? He may already be here...
A collapse in Cuba could also trigger another round of unrest in Venezuela. Cuba has propped up Venezuela’s Government and provided support in the past.
If they’re out of the picture. Venezuela has nowhere to turn for easily obtainable support.
Russia is tied with Ukraine and playing political games with NATO.
And unless the CCP has dramatically changed tactics and is deliberately making themselves appear incompetent and ineffectual. They’re dealing with mounting domestic problems. Possibly starting a War of their own. And trying to weasel their way into formerly U.S spheres of influence. Not to mention playing Political and Economic Games of their own Central Asia. Which is more or less understood to be Russias proverbial backyard. So aid is unlikely to be readily forthcoming in large quantities from either of those corners.
Venezuela has also apparently been gearing up to start a war of its own. Which may very well provoke a regional response from rising powers in South America. If the U.S doesn’t decide to get outright involved itself.
I can't see the twitter post anymore,_dry_feet_policy
Wasn't aware of this. Thank you!
Que Second Flood of New Refugees, Hatai move over...