Time does not have any creative power at all. If you simply add more time you’re going to get more chaos, not order. Random events tend toward disorder (entropy). This is observable (2nd law of Thermodynamics).
Furthermore, It is impossible to traverse an infinite. If there existed an infinite number of days before today, then we would’ve never arrived at today. But we HAVE arrived at today, therefore the past is not infinite. The universe had a beginning.
More time = more chaos.
Time does not have any creative power at all. If you simply add more time you’re going to get more chaos, not order. Random events tend toward disorder (entropy). This is observable (2nd law of Thermodynamics).
Furthermore, It is impossible to traverse an infinite. If there existed an infinite number of days before today, then we would’ve never arrived at today. But we HAVE arrived at today, therefore the past is not infinite. The universe had a beginning.