Oh, so you're good with "only 300,000" people being killed by nazi's?
I take your point well. I am not going to be comparative. this is still quite a number of lives taken and it warrants further scrutiny.
My questions for your consideration are geared first towards circumstance.
Do you know what the Haavara contract is?
How many Jews emigrated into Palestine?
Who prohibited Jews from emigrating into Palestine? Who really prohibited it?
Kristallnacht: what laws were immediately imposed? If a German would touch a Jew or his possessions, what would happen?
If the State was so stern, is it logical to expect consequent behavior by the people? And was that the case?
Once incapable of emigration, and the war ensuing, are you familiar with the demands Spain put on Germany for access to Gibraltar? Then why was Franco' s demand rejected?
Britain rejected a peaceplan to retreat behind the Rhine, restore damages and restore Poland as a Protectorate. Why did Britain reject it? Who really were behind this rejection?
Operation Barbarossa: How much fuel did Germany have to pursue this campaign? Where did Germany get their fuel after the war broke out in 1939? Venezuela?
What does fuel mean for agriculture and transportation (logistics?)
Where did France get their Fuel? Where did Vichy France get their fuel?
Was Germany capable of increasing domestic fuel production during the war? From what level to what level?
How do you maintain agriculture and logistics during war-time in several countries at once?
What happens when your country is being bombed to smithereens? Bridges, stations, terminals, manufacturing, agriculture?
How many people were in the Wehrmacht? Who worked in agriculture?
Who bombed Auschwitz?
16: In 1944: how many Jews were in concentration camps?
17: In 1945: How many Jews were in concentration camps?
18: What happens when during winter all logistics fail because of bombardments? Disease? Hunger?
And then one last question: 19. How about the lack of hygiene many Jews suffered from contributed to their own demise?
Once we have this in view, we can start thinking about the Mens Rea concerning killing Jews for being Jews.
...bibblty, blabbilty, blah...BhUt ThE BaD AmEriCaN's BoMbEd tHe iNnoCeNt nAzI PrISoN gUaRd's. NoW Don'T tHiNk abOuT MuRdeReD pEopLe B4 We BlAmE Bad AmERiCa.
I must admit though, the cognitive dissonance skills, and fact dodging skills of those who have fallen prey to nazi propaganda are quite strong.
ThE BaD AmEriCaN's BoMbEd tHe iNnoCeNt nAzI PrISoN gUaRd's
That is your opinion. Not facts.
My questions are meant to make you think, not shoot off a cult knee-jerk response like you have done now. Because knee-jerks always inhibit thinking. That is why it is called: cult brainwashing.
Besides: the fact alone you use the phrase: NAZI shows how deeply influenced you are by Jewish Propaganda, as it is their TERM.
Waking up to the fact that history is a little bit different than you were taught, is pack and parcel of what we all are going through.
However, if you want to defend the first and second directive of the holocaust religion i.e.: the name holocaust applies and two: thou shalt believe the 6 million figure which we have been peddling since the founding of the Zionist movement ( see newspaper articles) then you better arm yourself with facts.
Again, take each question, and consider them carefully in light of facts. Start thinking for yourself.
I take your point well. I am not going to be comparative. this is still quite a number of lives taken and it warrants further scrutiny.
My questions for your consideration are geared first towards circumstance.
17: In 1945: How many Jews were in concentration camps?
18: What happens when during winter all logistics fail because of bombardments? Disease? Hunger?
And then one last question: 19. How about the lack of hygiene many Jews suffered from contributed to their own demise?
Once we have this in view, we can start thinking about the Mens Rea concerning killing Jews for being Jews.
Oh my, that gave me an irl kek 😆!
I must admit though, the cognitive dissonance skills, and fact dodging skills of those who have fallen prey to nazi propaganda are quite strong.
the operative clause is right here:
That is your opinion. Not facts.
My questions are meant to make you think, not shoot off a cult knee-jerk response like you have done now. Because knee-jerks always inhibit thinking. That is why it is called: cult brainwashing.
Besides: the fact alone you use the phrase: NAZI shows how deeply influenced you are by Jewish Propaganda, as it is their TERM.
Waking up to the fact that history is a little bit different than you were taught, is pack and parcel of what we all are going through.
However, if you want to defend the first and second directive of the holocaust religion i.e.: the name holocaust applies and two: thou shalt believe the 6 million figure which we have been peddling since the founding of the Zionist movement ( see newspaper articles) then you better arm yourself with facts.
Again, take each question, and consider them carefully in light of facts. Start thinking for yourself.
Calm down chaim. All lies will be exposed.