posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +27 / -2

Jon Lewis is a Research Fellow at the Program on Extremism at George Washington University, where he studies domestic terrorism, with a specialization in the evolution of white supremacist and anti-government movements in the United States and federal responses to the threat.

Luke Baumgartner is a Research Fellow at the Program on Extremism at George Washington University, whose research interests include domestic violent extremism, white supremacist movements, and the role of military veterans in political violence.

so society invests massive resources in educating these fools, and this is the crap they come up with?

their entire argument seems to be, "talking about the great replacement is causing the deep state to stage more fake shootings".

notice how they don't bother to actually address or acknowledge the main ideas of the great replacement, but instead choose to label anyone who talks about it as a racist, fascist, white supremacist neo-nazi

just to be clear, i do not hate anyone, and furthermore, i haven't hated anyone in over 30 years, because that was a conscious decision i made in my life.

i don't hate any individual immigrants, but i am a little concerned that:

  1. they seem to be leaving their own homeland, perhaps under duress.

  2. they seem to be showing up in droves, and are completely unprepared to live here, and therefore they become a burden on a society that already can't take care of our own people properly.

  3. the entire thing looks like human trafficking, and the governments actions regarding this matter are highly suspicious, like, why are they just handing out (my tax) money to these people? why are they flying them in in the middle of the night? why are they hiding their activities, and trying so hard to stop people from reporting what they see?

years ago, i heard that there was a talk radio host who was told he could talk about anything he wanted to, expect banking and immigration.

again, why would immigration be off-limits as a topic?

it seems to me that immigration is a topic that almost everyone has an interest in, and there should be a pubic debate about immigration policy.

also, im not very supportive of a wall on the border, because i remember hearing stories about the USSR... and Berlin...

what i would rather do, is figure out a way to help these people "remain in mexico" or wherever they are from, as it sure it must be very distressing to be immigrating under duress, or as a victim of human trafficking