On the tail of my post regarding Gen. Flynn as DJT's VP candidate and designated Next Act in the process of restoring America to her core values and freedoms, someone asked:
Is Vice President fagging a thing?
I had to conclude that yes, yes it is.
In the interests of building our collective rational and critical thinking capacities, and in the interests of tapping into the collective GAW mind to formulate and crystallize the issues around what being DJT's VP candidate actually means, I'm proposing a thought experiment.
To the best of your capacity, what do you consider to be the primary or core requirements that DJT's VP is going to have to fulfill?
What criteria might best be applied in order to realistically and effectively evaluate what the VP must, and must not, be like?
In this process, I suggest we consider what the implications of this or that VP pick might be for the Great Awakening and the making of America to be great again. This includes a sense of where this nation is headed, now and after the next 4 years (on the premise that DJT will be President come January 20, 2025.
What do you think? What would your list of criteria look like? What do you see as the most important qualities or capacities the next VP needs to have?
I encourage all anons to consider this question not only from the perspective of a citizen of America and/or the world, but also from the viewpoint of the White Hats and of DJT himself.
What if you were running the program for restoring America? What things would the White Hats and DJT most be thinking about? Try to put yourself in their shoes.
To get the ball rolling, I've made a list (as follows) of what I see as the several core requirements that should be fulfilled by the next VP (and potential successor to DJT).
CORE Requirements the Next Vice President Candidate Should Fulfill (My List)
A) Fully on board with MAGA
B) Fully on board with the Q operation (i.e. able to understand and be supportive of the objectives and methods of the Q operation, intel war) (aka awareness of and capacity to recognize the Cabal, the deep state and the ancient evil we are confronted with)
C) Ability (i.e. character and capacity) to follow up the next DJT term by leading America into the restoration of its core values and direction after the swamp is drained and destroyed - aka strength of character and personality
D) Trust and reliability with regards to DJT (i.e. trusted fully by DJT) (Includes whether DJT and the White Hats can rely on the VP to take the reins and execute DJT's plan for the next 4 years should DJT become incapacitated)
E) An adequate public profile (aka known by enough of the American people, has a certain level of name recognition)
F) Tested track record in terms of public service (whether in private sector, public sector, military, etc)
Do you think some of these are NOT necessary? Would you add other factors? Have I missed some, or do you agree or disagree with this list?
Asking for a fren......
(Kind of feel like a "VP Fagging" flair would be useful over the next few months....) u/catsfive
Here's the ONLY requirement that matters: in the event that DJT dies, can his VP pick up the mantle and continue in the fight to free The People?
I don't care who it is or what "party affiliation" the person may have, as long as that person is forthright with their stated goals, can help unite The People like DJT has been doing, is TRUTHFUL, and is willing to lead if DJT somehow can't at some point after his re-election.
And that is the trick of tricks, isn't it? Which is why I remain highly skeptical of any one person coming to save humanity. It isn't up to just one person, it's up to ALL OF US, and until humanity fully and truly unites, it doesn't matter who gets elected or who we throw out support behind.
The question EVERYONE n eds to ask thems lives is this: "Am I willing to truly pay down my life for this cause?"
Revolutions aren't won by sitting behind keyboards.
You raise some important points..... however, I do not see it as a binary choice, and either or. I mean, the necessary role of the people aka humanity collectively vs. leadership.
Both are necessary, and both are part and parcel of the required formula. if you look at providential history, for example, God always worked through particular central figures, but key to their success was the unity of the people with them. When that unity was not forthcoming, things went sour.
So then, what is true unity? it is not simply lip service obedience, or following. True unity is having the same heart, the same awareness and dedication as 'the leader'.
So in that I agree with you. When enough patriots have the same heart that Trump has, that he is modelling for everyone, then victory will be assured. And I think we can agree that Trump's core attitude and thought process is: "I have to do this. I have to step up and be responsible for this. I will be responsible for this."
So personally, I think it DOES matter who gets elected or who we throw out support behind, because that's part of the process of bringing unity. It matters a lot. However, the purpose of having such a leader or leaders is to achieve true unity, and that unity is accomplished when enough people decide "this is up to me. I must be responsible. I will give everything I have for this."
In short, one person coming to save humanity is real, but that is accomplished NOT in that one person alone, as you point out, but when humanity rises and unites with that one person in the truest sense: by replicating and embodying the same spirit, determination and dedication to the cause.