I really am not an authority on what Catholics believe but some of the things I see do cause me concern, such as:
Pope declares himself as the Vicar of Christ
Confessing your sins to the priest, saying Hail Marys and Our Fathers to be forgiven of sins
The elevation of Mary (and others) to sainthood
Rampant pedophilia/homosexuality among cardinals and priests
I do know that God sees all and knows all. I trust Him to render perfect judgement on who is a Christian (and who is not). I do not believe that the Lord is concerned about your denomination - I believe that He is concerned with your heart and that you have placed your faith in Him and not some self-appointed apostate figurehead.
I really am not an authority on what Catholics believe but some of the things I see do cause me concern, such as:
I do know that God sees all and knows all. I trust Him to render perfect judgement on who is a Christian (and who is not). I do not believe that the Lord is concerned about your denomination - I believe that He is concerned with your heart and that you have placed your faith in Him and not some self-appointed apostate figurehead.
Thanks for your insight. Happy Resurrection Day!