13:28 (364) & Resurrection Day “null day” (#365) with April 1 ALWAYS Easter in Proto-Christian calendar (pre 45AD?) with March the 1st month.
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There is no evidence that the modern reform ideas, which were globalist failures interrupted by WWII, had any relation to the various calendars used throughout history. You can't just take every odd historical calendar and call it 13:28, because the 13:28 calendar rejects the moon and usually rejects the Sabbath too. For instance, when the Native Americans speak of 13 moons, they mean literally 13 lunar cycles (about 384 days), not 13 28-day cycles (364 days). Can you imagine Natives celebrating a "new moon" when everyone can see the moon is full? They would have been laughed out of the wickiup.
I've been looking at the Essene calendar in particular lately (200 BC - 70 AD). It's possible they experimented with going off the moon, but they worked very hard to retain the Sabbath (a point neglected by modern "reformers"), and the evidence is spotty and can be reconstructed several different ways. There is no 13:28 proposal present in the entire first century AD. You'd be better off espousing the harmony of the pentecontad calendar of seven months of fifty days with two celebratory weeks added, because at least that one existed. Tolkien had a nice imaginary calendar too.
I certainly don't see any advantage to overtly retaining Mars and his idol friends while also espousing a Resurrection celebration that destroys the weekly Sabbath. Sounds syncretist.
Good info. Retention of Roman god (and Roman Emperor) names is not required, obviously. Unclear exactly what the calendar looks like most closely aligned with the "Wheel in the Sky" created by God. But, no question that the Gregorian calendar has been an intentional corruption of it, implemented over a period of about 400 years (1500s-1932).
The Wheel in the Sky is best described in Syriac Enoch. It honors sun, moon, and Sabbath. Sun, there are 365 days; moon, there are months every 29-30 days; Sabbath, there are uninterrupted weeks. The fourfold and eightfold division of the year exists in Judaism as a tekufah.
The key to understanding is that God is deliberately fuzzy with his numbers so that he can have irrational inserts at his pleasure (e.g. leap years). The teaching numbers are that the year is about 360 days, the month about 30 days, and the week about a quarter-month. Those are the symbolic and accurately rounded numbers. The extra days are then used for all the fun correlations that people find along the way. This means that any calendar that comes close, including the Gregorian, can be honored culturally; but we are to make up for its deficiencies by observation. Since the Gregorian is solar rather than lunisolar, we have a responsibility to track new moons separately.
Thanks for linking your post to my old post.
More and more evidence is pointing to our history being slowly manipulated.
Sorry it's a TikTok post, I couldn't share a different version as I'm already on thin ice with my company IT department.
Book Titled "History of The Bible".
History of the 13-month, 28-day calendar: https://blog.calendartruth.info/2017/03/22/history-of-the-13-month-28-day-calendar/
Archived Link: https://archive.is/Wob98
[Intermission 1 day every year, 2 days every 4 years, for Resurrection celebration]
2 APRIL [April 1 was likely Easter every year (and a Sunday), and now modified to April Fool’s on quasi-random Day to mock God]
4 JUNE (originally QUATTILUS, meaning 4th in Latin)
5 QUINTILUS (JULY, 5th in Latin)
6 SEXTILUS (AUG, 6th in Latin)
7 SEPTEMBER (7th in Latin)
8 OCTOBER (8th in Latin)
9 NOVEMBER (9th in Latin)
10 DECEMBER (10th in Latin)
11 UNDECIMBER (11th in Latin, #11 HIDDEN FOR OCCULT PURPOSES?) 28 days distributed into other 12 months with 11 days put into Oct-Jan, 17 days into the rest.
Latin numbers: https://blogs.transparent.com/latin/latin-numbers-1-100/
28 x 13 + 1 = 365 days; 2nd day added every 4 years for 2-day long “null day”
Calendar Act of 1750 (British Parliament) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calendar_(New_Style)_Act_1750
Imposition of Gregorian calendar on American colonies. Patriots gave a big FU by putting inauguration day on March 4 for 1788 Constitution. It took the evil ones forcing it via Amendment XX in 1932 (effective 1937) to change inauguration day to January 20. Forced compliance with satanic NWO calendar?
-Patriots (circa 1773)
meme-ified: https://greatawakening.win/p/17siSg2g20/relationship-between-the-calenda/c/
I don''t know about this one, cute but maybe TOO cute? can't decide.