Why do we have to have the words of the US Secretary of State translated to us? It doesn't matter that he speaks French fluently, in his official capacity he should be speaking the language of the country he represents. He can do it a second time in pig Latin for all I care, but the main message is to be done in his country's language. These elitist pigs think they are in a different society; none are loyal to their actual countries.
In the name of Jesus this evil must end!
God has chosen his weapon, and the righteous people of the world have embraced it.
Sounds precipice-y.
Why do we have to have the words of the US Secretary of State translated to us? It doesn't matter that he speaks French fluently, in his official capacity he should be speaking the language of the country he represents. He can do it a second time in pig Latin for all I care, but the main message is to be done in his country's language. These elitist pigs think they are in a different society; none are loyal to their actual countries.
My guess is, to make it harder for clips to go viral.
Maybe this will be the precipie like the Cuban Missile false flag.
Ukraine has already lost, no point is sending more money, our precious troops and weaponry to fight a useless endeavor.