While this is absolutely true. The student loans are straight up predatory. Taking advantage of the ignorance of the people to put them into debt slavery.
There should be no student loans at all. Why would allow the fucking bankers to prey upon the our youth?
We cannot be so single minded that it blinds us from the nuances of reality.
This is where the education system needs a complete overhaul.
Not everyone is cut out for college. Most kids should be in a vocation program in HS and not college prep courses.
The restructuring of our economy that began with NAFTA and accelerated this century moved decent paying manufacturing jobs out of this country. Feminism has replaced men in the boardrooms and office space. Illegal immigration has flooded the trades eliminating more decent paying opportunity. Kids these days, especially white males, feel they have no other option than attend a university that they may not have aptitude for, if they wish to buy a home and raise a family.
These kids failing is predictable.
If you ran these HS vocation programs like an apprenticeship, these classes could actually build saleable products which would pay for the programs themselves. When I was in HS the building trades program used to actually go out in the field and build a house each semester. We need to think like this in education.
There should be admission testing for university. Only the qualified needs to be in college. And the available slots should be based on the country economic growth.
Also universities need to cut the bullshit. You going to higher education to become a mechanical engineer? Then, there should be a set of classes specifically tailored to teach how to be a mechanical engineer. And so forth.
But at this point, there is so much wrong with our systems, that we are basically a failed nation...
Private student loans seem fine. If a retard picks gender studies, she can go bankrupt and the bank can get fucked for being stupid. Govt backed student loans that the retards can't escape with bankruptcy seem like the problem.
I sympathize. Specially on the matter of full blown retardation like "gender studies degrees".
But two things can be true at the same time. Just because the twats asking for the loan have spaghettis for brains, it does not mean the student loans are not largely a predatory enterprise.
As for accessibility of higher education, the moment we stop the subsidizing it, the frankly retarded pricing will plummet down.
The problem is mainly the loan are designed to be impossible to pay off by the average person. Regardless if the idiocy of the degree. I know people who graduated of business administration, a valid degree in my humble opinion. Only to be stuck in debt for the last 15 years.(Still owes more than 70%. So she will be likely paying for life. Has already paid more than what she originally borrowed.)
So it is important to consider carefully what we advocate for and justify.
While I have a VERY dim view of all liberal ideologies. I believe we should make a point on carefully listening and consider what they say. Every now and then they actually make a valid point. Although their proposed solutions are usually bunk.
While this is absolutely true. The student loans are straight up predatory. Taking advantage of the ignorance of the people to put them into debt slavery.
There should be no student loans at all. Why would allow the fucking bankers to prey upon the our youth?
We cannot be so single minded that it blinds us from the nuances of reality.
This is where the education system needs a complete overhaul.
Not everyone is cut out for college. Most kids should be in a vocation program in HS and not college prep courses.
The restructuring of our economy that began with NAFTA and accelerated this century moved decent paying manufacturing jobs out of this country. Feminism has replaced men in the boardrooms and office space. Illegal immigration has flooded the trades eliminating more decent paying opportunity. Kids these days, especially white males, feel they have no other option than attend a university that they may not have aptitude for, if they wish to buy a home and raise a family.
These kids failing is predictable.
If you ran these HS vocation programs like an apprenticeship, these classes could actually build saleable products which would pay for the programs themselves. When I was in HS the building trades program used to actually go out in the field and build a house each semester. We need to think like this in education.
There should be admission testing for university. Only the qualified needs to be in college. And the available slots should be based on the country economic growth.
Also universities need to cut the bullshit. You going to higher education to become a mechanical engineer? Then, there should be a set of classes specifically tailored to teach how to be a mechanical engineer. And so forth.
But at this point, there is so much wrong with our systems, that we are basically a failed nation...
Private student loans seem fine. If a retard picks gender studies, she can go bankrupt and the bank can get fucked for being stupid. Govt backed student loans that the retards can't escape with bankruptcy seem like the problem.
I sympathize. Specially on the matter of full blown retardation like "gender studies degrees".
But two things can be true at the same time. Just because the twats asking for the loan have spaghettis for brains, it does not mean the student loans are not largely a predatory enterprise.
As for accessibility of higher education, the moment we stop the subsidizing it, the frankly retarded pricing will plummet down.
The problem is mainly the loan are designed to be impossible to pay off by the average person. Regardless if the idiocy of the degree. I know people who graduated of business administration, a valid degree in my humble opinion. Only to be stuck in debt for the last 15 years.(Still owes more than 70%. So she will be likely paying for life. Has already paid more than what she originally borrowed.)
So it is important to consider carefully what we advocate for and justify.
While I have a VERY dim view of all liberal ideologies. I believe we should make a point on carefully listening and consider what they say. Every now and then they actually make a valid point. Although their proposed solutions are usually bunk.