91 In New Zealand, inhalation chambers were installed in public buildings in 1918 and people were asked to inhale a gas (zinc sulphate) that would protect them from the flu. (twitter.com) posted 255 days ago by lovecymru 255 days ago by lovecymru +91 / -0 10 comments share 10 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Actually it likely did protect them - virus is defeated by zinc. It cannot replicate.
The inflamed nasal passages made them more susceptible to infections.
Pharmaceutical-grade zinc sulfate is made by treating zinc oxide with sulfuric acid.
If you ever welded on galvanized steel you'd know inhaling zinc oxide will make you feel like shit for a good while.
Don't inhale zinc.
I was a welder for a few years and zinc fever is no joke. This anon is 100% right.
Yeah, that's what I heard. Zinc is an anti-viral.