The trannies of that generation were transvestites, not transgenders though. They were men cross-dressing because a man putting on a dress is silly and funny. Milton Berle, Monty Python, English pantomimes are all examples of a comedic tradition that goes back centuries.
They have not done that for years. Back around I want to say 2007-2008, I had to be on LA for a meeting the morning after Easter Sunday, so I flew down late Sunday. I distinctly remember the doodle was celebrating Ceasar Chavez birthday. At that point I knew their "do no evil" motto was absolutely BS. I say search for it - never G it for that reason. I loathe them.
Do I see 666? Check the fringe under the right, then left, arms.
Looks like it...
Good eye.
...the trannies of that generation were campy and funny...
...the latest iteration takes itself way too seriously...
They sure ain't 'Uncle Miltie'!
I love that adorable pup! 😻 do I...
The trannies of that generation were transvestites, not transgenders though. They were men cross-dressing because a man putting on a dress is silly and funny. Milton Berle, Monty Python, English pantomimes are all examples of a comedic tradition that goes back centuries.
I hope this trans fad is one of the first things Trump stamps out.
I have personal reasons for this. Very personal.
To say more would dox myself.
No doodle for Easter though. I'm surprised they even acknowledged it last week.
They have not done that for years. Back around I want to say 2007-2008, I had to be on LA for a meeting the morning after Easter Sunday, so I flew down late Sunday. I distinctly remember the doodle was celebrating Ceasar Chavez birthday. At that point I knew their "do no evil" motto was absolutely BS. I say search for it - never G it for that reason. I loathe them.
Can we have at least one day on tranny invisibility.
Been using Brave Browser for years now. No need to use Google ever again.
OK groomers
There are so many interesting things that happened on April 6. That guy's birthday is not one of them.