Proof that liberals "feel" and don't act. If they really wanted to give the land back to the aboriginals, then they should back up their beliefs, instead they fall back onto their own greed. "I bought it so it is mine". Yea, they can feel all they want but when it comes down to actually doing something that hurt themselves it always ends with greed overcoming their emotions. idiots.
They want to virtue signal and acknowledge the land is "stolen", but also don't want to give back the land that they claim is stolen. Hence, they want their cake and eat it, too.
TOO FUNNY! Wonder how many people who saw this are taking down there signs or painting over there "YES" walls. ( Say YES was a slogan for recently defeated policy to give some Aboriginals sweeping new political power.}
australian aboriginals have a much better sense of humor than most other indigenous peoples...
Proof that liberals "feel" and don't act. If they really wanted to give the land back to the aboriginals, then they should back up their beliefs, instead they fall back onto their own greed. "I bought it so it is mine". Yea, they can feel all they want but when it comes down to actually doing something that hurt themselves it always ends with greed overcoming their emotions. idiots.
They want to virtue signal and acknowledge the land is "stolen", but also don't want to give back the land that they claim is stolen. Hence, they want their cake and eat it, too.
Reminds me of “Sanctuary City”, then saying “we can’t handle all these illegals”
Virtue signaling at its finest, kek
TOO FUNNY! Wonder how many people who saw this are taking down there signs or painting over there "YES" walls. ( Say YES was a slogan for recently defeated policy to give some Aboriginals sweeping new political power.}
Well to be fair, the sign says it’s stolen, not given back. So in a twisted way, she’s being consistent. LOL!!!
Goof now find that clown that sang about giving the land back, and tell him to get off your prroperty.